

据新西兰住房部6月14日消息,新西兰住房部长梅根·伍兹(Megan Woods)宣布,鼓励新西兰人对住房和城市发展的长远愿景有发言权,以指导未来的工作。

梅根•伍兹(Megan Woods)表示:虽然我们通过多种工作和资金来应对住房危机,以修复新住房建设的潜在障碍,但我们还需要考虑气候变化和人口增长等未来挑战。
预计到 2050 年,新西兰人口将增长五分之一以上,届时我们将致力于将温室气体的净排放量降至零。


Government Feedback sought on future of housing and urban development 

According to news from New Zealand Department of Housing on June 14,New Zealanders are encouraged to have their say on a long-term vision for housing and urban development to guide future work, the Housing Minister Megan Woods has announced.
Consultation starts today on a Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD), which will support the long-term direction of Aotearoa New Zealand’s housing and urban development system.
“While we tackle the housing crisis we inherited with multiple streams of work and funding to fix the underlying barriers to enabling new housing, we also need to consider future challenges like climate change and population growth,” Megan Woods said.
“New Zealand’s population is projected to grow more than a fifth by 2050, by which time we’re committed to reducing net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero.
“A key goal of this Government is that everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand lives in a healthy, secure and affordable home that meets their needs, within a thriving, inclusive and sustainable community.
“We don’t under-estimate the challenges. House prices have soared, and rents have risen sharply, putting more people into housing deprivation. Too few people can easily get to their job via public transport, walking or cycling. Meanwhile, greenhouse gas emissions from cars have surged.
“We need to think smarter about the way we live and where we live. The housing and urban development system affects everyone, so we want you to have your say on the Government’s long-term vision,” Megan Woods said.
Cabinet has also approved the development of a draft Māori Housing Strategy, to replace the existing Māori Housing Strategy, He Whare Āhuru He Oranga Tāngata, released in 2014.
The new Māori Housing Strategy will be developed in parallel with the GPS-HUD. They will be strongly connected through Te Maihi o te Whare Māori – the Māori and Iwi Housing Innovation (MAIHI) Framework for Action and further accelerate its momentum to achieve significant and enduring housing outcomes by Māori, for Māori. 
“The development of a new Māori Housing Strategy will address long-term system requirements and enable more immediate responses, necessary to address the current housing crisis and enable us to align its strategic direction with the GPS-HUD and MAIHI,” says Associate Minister (Māori Housing) Peeni Henare.
Feedback on a discussion document will be built into the Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD) to ensure Government priorities are addressed including tackling housing affordability and homelessness, responding to climate change and alleviating child poverty.


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