根据新西兰气候部9月15日消息,气候变化部长詹姆斯·肖(James Shaw)今天证实,内阁已同意在10月初开始就减排计划进行磋商,并要求在明年5月底之前公布最终计划,以符合2022年预算。
James Shaw 部长说:”内阁的决定使对减排计划成功至关重要的组织和社区能够专注于在参与该计划之前度过 COVID 疫情最严重的时期。
该计划将在毛利人、太平洋社区、企业、非政府组织、地方政府和全国各地社区的投入下制定。现在通知他们,我们的咨询时间表,让他们有时间准备充分参与所需的资源。 确保每个人都有机会做出贡献,而无需在国家处于不同警戒级别时,确保人们的安全,尤其是奥克兰仍在 4 级的人员,这一挑战是恰到好处的。它还允许政府使最终计划与2022年预算保持一致,以便人们能够看到如何通过政府投资支持该计划的交付。最终的减排计划将阐明新西兰为满足有史以来第一个排放预算将采取的政策和战略。它还将为如何满足未来的排放预算确定方向” 自独立气候变化委员会于6月发表最后建议以及更多信息以来,政府内部一直在讨论部长和机构如何支持其组合中的减排,以及哪些内容可以列入最终的减排计划。
新西兰仍有工作要做,以确保能够满足其排放预算,政府希望听取人民的意见,以便他们能够告知政府他们的想法。 为期六周的咨询亦会邀请各行业就不同部门在支付排放预算方面所扮演的角色,以及政府支持本领域改革所需的情况提出意见。
Timeline confirmed for Emissions Reductions Plan
Cabinet has agreed to begin consulting on the Emissions Reduction Plan in early October and require that the final plan be released by the end of May next year in line with the 2022 Budget, the Minister of Climate Change, James Shaw confirmed today.
“Cabinet’s decision allows organisations and communities key to the Emissions Reduction Plan’s success to focus on getting through the worst of the COVID outbreak before engaging with the plan,” James Shaw said.
“The plan will be developed with input from Iwi/Māori, Pacific communities, business, NGOs, local government, and communities all over the country. Notifying them now of our timeline for consultation gives them time to prepare the resources they need to engage fully.
“It is only right to make sure everyone has the chance to contribute without the additional challenge of keeping people safe while the country is at different alert levels, especially those in Auckland who are still at level 4.
“It also allows the Government to align the final plan with Budget 2022, so people can see how its delivery will be supported through Government investment.
“The final Emissions Reduction Plan will set out the policies and strategies Aotearoa New Zealand will take to meet the country’s first ever emissions budget. It will also set the direction for how future emissions budgets will be met,” James Shaw said.
Since the final advice of the independent Climate Change Commission was published in June, conversations have been underway across Government about how Ministers and agencies can support emissions reductions in their portfolios – and what can be included in the final Emissions Reduction Plan.
There is still work to do to make sure New Zealand is able to meet its emissions budgets and the Government wants to hear people’s ideas so they can inform the conversations that continue across Government. The six week consultation will also invite feedback on the role different sectors can play in meeting the emissions budgets – and what they need from the Government to support change in their own area.
While the Government has an important role to play in getting the policy and regulatory settings right, it cannot do so alone. Building a low-emissions economy is a collective effort. It is true to say that some of the necessary changes can only be made if they are supported by policy or regulatory change. But that is not always the case. The final emissions reduction plan will need to reflect this. The end of May deadline for the final Emissions Reduction Plan will require a legislative change.
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