




9月23日新西兰新闻秘书处消息,一项尖端的定向癌症创新治疗正在开展。新西兰政府投资一项尖端癌症研发,以用于扩大临床试验的CAR T细胞癌症治疗的制造,提升新西兰生物医学制造能力,支持未来的国际科学合作。

通过有针对性的、负担得起的解决方案改变癌症护理。 研究、科学和创新部长梅根·伍兹(Megan Woods)博士宣布,与COVID-19的斗争不会阻止在其他医疗保健领域推动令人兴奋的新创新,BioOra是一家旨在扩大新西兰CAR T细胞癌症治疗制造的新公司。BioOra 将使用技术平台实现 CAR T 细胞的自动化制造。该平台可复制实验室中的大部分工作,使该过程更具可扩展性和更有效率。” 这种伙伴关系的工作将为更多的人接受尖端的定向癌症治疗打开大门。这项研究可能会产生全球影响,我感到自豪的是,本届政府能够通过技术孵化器计划和伙伴关系计划支持如此惊人的创新”梅根·伍兹(Megan Woods)博士说。 

CAR T 细胞免疫疗法是一种突破性的治疗方法,目前用于某些类型的血癌,它使用患者的免疫系统有针对地消灭癌细胞,其方式是专门为每个患者量身定做的。 梅根•伍兹博士(Megan Woods)表示:我们拥有世界级的科学和研究体系,能够突破可以取得的成就,真正改变人们的生活,这种合作关系反映了这一点。 马拉甘研究所目前正在进行一项第一阶段临床试验,为某些类型复发的人,已经用尽了其他治疗办法的人,进行CAR T细胞癌症和难治的B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤进行治疗。 BioOra 将在新西兰开发一个自动化的制造平台,马拉甘研究所致力于将其治疗推进到第二阶段的试验,并着眼于把治疗扩展到其他癌症中。CAR T细胞代表奇美利克抗原受体T细胞。CAR T细胞疗法的工作原理是将患者自己的免疫细胞(T细胞)重新定向到实验室中,以直接识别和消灭癌细胞。然后,这些经过改良的T细胞被送回患者身上,在那里他们可以消灭和摧毁癌细胞。BioOra 制造将采用自动化的封闭式 CAR T 细胞制造方法,使用 LONZA Cocoon 技术。

政府资金已经能够帮助马拉汉研究所明年在其现有的套房中再建立五个新的配套,这意味着它每年将能够治疗超过100 名患者,而目前的容量每年仅允许治疗约20名患者。 BioOra 是马拉甘研究所与新西兰布里奇韦斯特风险投资公司合作的结果,该项目得到了技术孵化器计划的支持,MBIE 的合作伙伴计划为 CAR T 细胞研究投资了500万纽币。 

23 September 2021,New Zealand invests in cutting edge cancer R&D Scaling up the manufacture of CAR T-cell cancer therapy for clinical trials Advancing New Zealand’s biomedical manufacturing capability Supporting future international scientific collaborations
Transforming cancer care with targeted, affordable solutions
 Research, Science and Innovation Minister Hon Dr Megan Woods has announced that the fight against COVID-19 will not stop the advancement of exciting new innovations in other areas of healthcare, at the launch of BioOra, a new company that aims to scale up the manufacture of CAR T-cell cancer therapy in New Zealand.
  BioOra will automate the manufacturing of CAR T-cells using a technology platform which replicates much of what would be done in the lab, making the process more scalable and efficient.
  “The work that has gone into this partnership will open the door for more people to receive cutting edge targeted cancer treatment. This research could have a global impact, and I’m proud that this government has been able to support such amazing innovation through the Technology Incubator Programme and the Partnerships Scheme,” says Megan Woods.
  “CAR T-cell immunotherapy is a ground-breaking treatment, currently used for certain types of blood cancer, that uses a patient’s immune system to target and destroy cancer cells, in a way that is specifically tailored to each patient.
  “We have a world-class science and research system that pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved to make a real difference to people’s lives, and this partnership is a reflection of that,” Megan Woods said.
The Malaghan Institute is currently conducting a Phase I clinical trial for their CAR T-cell cancer therapy for people with certain types of relapsed and refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma who have exhausted other treatments.
BioOra will develop an automated manufacturing platform for this treatment in New Zealand as the Malaghan Institute works to progress its therapy into Phase II trials, with a long term vision of extending the treatment to other cancers.
 CAR T-cell stands for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell. CAR T-cell therapy works by redirecting a patient’s own immune cells (T-cells) in the laboratory, to directly identify and attack cancer cells. These modified T-cells are then returned to the patient where they can attack and destroy cancer cells. BioOra manufacturing will use an automated, closed-system method of manufacturing CAR T-cells, using the LONZA Cocoon® technology. 
Government funding has been able help support the Malaghan Institute to set up five new cocoons in its current suites over the next year, meaning it’ll be able to treat in excess of 100 patients a year, while current capacity only allows treatment of up to 20 patients annually.
  BioOra is a result of a partnership between Malaghan Institute and Bridgewest Ventures NZ, with the support from the Technology Incubator Programme, and a $5 million investment towards CAR T-cell research from MBIE’s Partnerships Scheme.


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