




行政协调会启动性暴力预防倡议 。 10月3日行政协调会正在投资4490万纽币,在今后四年内建立性暴力初级预防系统,其中包括1171.5万纽币用于毛利岛办法。

    新西兰是经合组织中性暴力率最高的国家之一。这个新的以精神为基础的初级预防系统考虑到了毛利人和毛利岛毛利人的观点。它将提供长期、持续的投资,以解决性暴力的根本原因并改变态度和行为。   行政协调会现在将与其他政府机构、专业服务机构、提供者、本地和社区一道,开始设计和实施这一新的性暴力预防方案。

行政协调会部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼今天宣布,行政协调会将投资4490万纽币,在四年内建立一个适合用途的性暴力初级预防系统。 卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:”新西兰近四分之一的成年人在有生之年经历过性暴力,大约六分之一的人在18岁之前受到性暴力的影响。这些高利率不能再继续下去了。我们需要建立保护我们和子孙后代的制度。

今天宣布的新信息初级预防系统将提供长期、持续的投资,并加强我国政府预防性暴力的力度。包括为毛利岛毛利办法提供1171.5万纽币的定向投资的 一揽子计划。它将加强新西兰的主要预防系统。 预防家庭暴力和性暴力部长马拉马·戴维森说:”初级预防工作旨在解决导致暴力的根本驱动因素。我们通过查明导致性暴力的系统性原因以及改变个人和社区的态度和行为来做到这一点。 这个系统将关注的不仅仅是暴力,还有性暴力。它将审视整个社区, 解决允许性暴力发生的社会驱动因素。它将侧重于那些受暴力影响最大的人和我们目前的反应差距,毛利人、帕西菲卡人、残疾人、同性恋、族裔和移民社区以及年长的新西兰人,并进行一系列的举措,包括教育、劳动力发展、社区动员和行为改变。 行政协调会正在采取的办法与合资企业的更广泛的毛利岛一致,不久将发布《国家战略》,该战略认为,如果我们只注重应对,我们就无法消除暴力。这就是为什么我们正与社区合作,开发预防和治疗成分,以阻止暴力发生为首要”马拉马戴维森说。 卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说: “ACC 将继续在设计阶段与政府、本地、社区和供应商的合资企业合作。研究实施这种防止性暴力的新方法的最有效和最有效的方法。 首要任务之一是建立可持续的方式,使社区动员起来,加深对增强教育和健康、协商一致关系的了解。这次社区动员将有助于加强由教育部领导的学校健康关系教育”。 行政协调会副部长威利·杰克逊说: “作为条约伙伴,行政协调会将优先考虑毛利人,并与毛利人、毛利人部落和毛利社区合作的关系。毛利人受到性暴力的影响不成比例,虽然许多影响对所有人都是常见的,但毛利人以文化上独特的方式遭受性暴力。这需要由毛利岛、毛利人和毛利人领导的解决办法。 行政协调会一直在非常努力地为毛利人解决公平问题,他们传统上通过行政协调会获得的支持较少。今天的宣布是朝着正确方向迈出的又一步。 目前据估计,性暴力每年使新西兰损失超过69亿纽币。为了帮助了解新西兰性暴力的总经济成本,行政协调会委托BERL对这个问题进行研究。BERL估计,性暴力每年给新西兰奥特罗亚造成69亿多纽币的损失。  新西兰性暴力总经济成本将在行政协调会网站上公布(。 

3 October 2021,
ACC Launches Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative  
  ACC is investing $44.9 million to establish a sexual violence primary prevention system over the next four years, including $11.715 million for Kaupapa Māori approaches.
·       New Zealand has one of the highest rates of sexual violence in the OECD.
·       This new te-tiriti-informed primary prevention system considers both tauiwi and kaupapa Māori perspectives. It will provide long-term, sustained investment to address the underlying causes of sexual violence and change attitudes and behaviours.
·       ACC will now begin work on design and implemention of this new sexual violence prevention programme alongside other government agencies, specialist services, providers, iwi and communities.
ACC is investing $44.9 million over four years to establish a fit-for-purpose sexual violence primary prevention system, Minister for ACC Carmel Sepuloni announced today.
“Almost a quarter of adults in New Zealand have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, and around one in six people are affected by sexual violence before the age of 18,”  Carmel Sepuloni said.
“These high rates cannot continue. We need to put in place systems that protect our whānau and our future generations.
“The new Te-Tiriti-informed primary prevention system announced today, will provide long-term, sustained investment and enhance our Government’s effort to prevent sexual violence.  The package includes $11.715 million of targeted investment for kaupapa Māori approaches. It will enhance the primary prevention system in Aotearoa New Zealand.
“Primary prevention works to address the underlying drivers that lead to violence,” Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence Marama Davidson said.
“We do this by identifying the systemic causes that lead to sexual violence and changing individual and community attitudes and behaviours.
“The system will focus on more than just violence; it will look at the whole community and address the social drivers that allow sexual violence to occur.
“It will focus on those who are impacted most by both violence and our current response gaps – Māori, Pasifika, disabled, rainbow, ethnic and migrant communities as well as older New Zealanders – and include a range of initiatives, including education, workforce development, community mobilisation and behaviour change.
“The approach being taken by ACC, aligns with the wider kaupapa of the Joint Venture and soon to be released National Strategy, which recognises that we cannot eliminate violence if we focus solely on response. This is why we are working with communities to develop prevention and healing components to stop violence from happening in the first place,” Marama Davidson said.
“ACC will continue to work with the Joint Venture across government, iwi, communities and providers on the design phase. Looking at the most effective and efficient ways of implementing this new way of preventing sexual violence,” says Carmel Sepuloni.
“One of the first priorities will be establishing sustainable ways for communities to mobilise and develop a greater understanding of mana-enhancing and tapu enriched healthy, consensual relationships.
“This community mobilisation will help reinforce health relationship education in schools, being led by the Ministry of Education,” she said.
“As Treaty partners, ACC will prioritise Māori and partner with whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori communities,” Associate Minister for ACC Willie Jackson said.
“Māori are disproportionately impacted by sexual violence and, while many effects are common for all people, Māori experience sexual violence in culturally distinct ways. This requires solutions that are led by Māori, with Māori and for Māori.
“ACC has been working very hard to address equity for Māori who traditionally receive less support through ACC.  Today’s announcement is another step in the right direction. 
 Sexual violence is estimated to cost Aotearoa New Zealand over $6.9 billion annually.
  To help understand the total economic cost of sexual violence in New Zealand, ACC commissioned BERL to undertake research into the problem. BERL estimates sexual violence costs Aotearoa New Zealand over $6.9 billion annually.
  Estimate of the total economic costs of sexual violence in New Zealand has been published on the ACC website here Estimate of the total economic costs of sexual violence in New Zealand (


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