

   位于奥克兰西区的奥克兰电影制片厂已通过政府基础设施参考小组(IRG)COVID-19响应基金获得重大扩建资金。政府正在投资3000万纽币,共3500万纽币,建造两个2 000平方米的音响舞台,并开发更多的讲习班和办公室,以扩大奥克兰议会在亨德森拥有的工作室的能力。
 社会发展和就业部长卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:"我们的屏幕行业雇佣了大约16,200名员工,每年为GDP贡献33亿纽币。这项投资是通过基础设施投资确保我们从COVID-19中复苏的又一步骤,为新西兰不断增长的工业提供了就业机会和机会。这一发展将使新西兰特制音响舞台的数量大幅增加,并提高我们为国内和国际观众制作更多内容的能力。这对亨德森和更广泛的奥克兰地区来说也是一笔巨大的投资,为该地区创造了更多的就业机会。这包括 100 个初始建筑职位,以及明年完成阶段时屏幕行业的多达 300 个新职位"。

经济发展部长斯图尔特·纳什说:”屏幕行业是一个竞争激烈的全球产业。新西兰作为银幕制作目的地享有盛誉,拥有世界一流的音响舞台、后期制作设施、才华横溢的演员和剧组以及壮丽的风景。该部门支持许多当地就业和企业。新西兰对大流行的有效处理使关键屏幕制作在新西兰继续蓬勃发展。Kiwi 屏幕行业的员工已经能够重返工作岗位,关键的国际演员、剧组和高管也能够进入新西兰,为我们的经济带来了大量外国投资。新西兰从COVID-19中崛起,有可能进一步发展我们在全球行业日益增长的声誉″。

Government support screen industry with funding for sound stages in West Auckland
Auckland Film Studios in West Auckland has received funding for a major expansion through the Government’s Infrastructure Reference Group’s (IRG) COVID-19 Response Fund.
The Government is investing $30 million of a total $35 million project to construct two 2,000sqm sound stages and development of further workshops and offices, to expand capacity at the Auckland Council-owned studios in Henderson.
“Our screen industry employs around 16,200 people and contributes $3.3b to GDP per year,” Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni said.
“This investment is another step towards securing our recovery from COVID-19 through infrastructure investment which provides jobs and opportunities for New Zealand’s growing industries.
“This development will see a material increase in the number of purpose-built sound stages available in New Zealand and increase our capacity to produce more content for domestic and international audiences.
“It is also a significant investment for Henderson and the wider Auckland region, creating more employment opportunities in the area. This includes 100 initial construction jobs, as well as up to 300 new jobs in the screen sector when the stages are completed next year.”
“It will also provide more creative opportunities for New Zealanders in the film and television industries which will help them realise their potential here at home,” Carmel Sepuloni said.
The project will be undertaken by Auckland Unlimited Limited, the region’s economic development agency, with co-funding provided by Auckland Council.
“The screen sector is a highly competitive, global industry,” Minister for Economic Development Stuart Nash said.
“New Zealand has established a strong reputation as a screen production destination, with world-class sound-stages, post-production facilities, talented cast and crew, and magnificent scenery. The sector supports many local jobs and businesses.
New Zealand’s effective handling of the pandemic allowed key screen productions to continue to flourish in New Zealand. Kiwi screen sector employees have been able to return to work and key international cast, crew and executives have been able to enter New Zealand, bringing significant foreign investment in our economy.
“Emerging from COVID-19, New Zealand has the potential to develop further our growing reputation in the global industry.

“This infrastructure investment provides an opportunity for Auckland to demonstrate industry leadership to existing global players and domestic production companies by committing to sound stage infrastructure growth as well as creating additional jobs, revenue and growth,” Stuart Nash said.
The Infrastructure Reference Group was set up in April 2020, in the middle of New Zealand’s COVID-19 lockdown.
The Government tasked a group of industry leaders to seek out infrastructure projects ready to start as soon as the construction industry returned to normal, to reduce the economic impact of COVID-19.
As at the end of March 2021, there are 231 approved projects representing $2,3bn of government funding and $3.8bn in total project value across the country. There are 246 projects in total.


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