



据7月8日新西兰食品安全部消息,政府正在采取行动,防止脊柱裂和类似情况,批准在非有机面包制作小麦面粉中加入B族维生素叶酸。  “这是关于保护婴儿。母亲的低叶酸水平会导致神经管缺陷,导致婴儿死亡或终身残疾,食品安全部长”Ayesa Verrall博士说。  与澳大利亚、加拿大和美国等采用强制性防御工事方法的其他国家相比,新西兰的 NTD 比率仍然过高。 Ayesha Verrall说:″新西兰一半以上的怀孕是计划外的,因此,所有女性在怀孕前一个月服用叶酸补充剂是不现实的,因为这样可以降低患这些疾病的风险。这种B族维生素对健康是安全的和必不可少的:特别是对于怀孕早期婴儿的发育。食物中自然存在食物中的酸性:叶酸强化恢复在加工过程中丢失的东西,如面粉铣削。有机面粉和非小麦面粉将免于防御工事,为不想食用叶酸的消费者提供选择”。  初级工业部的一项审查估计,加强所有非有机小麦面粉生产面包,可在30年内防止162至240个神经管缺陷,并在同一时期减少2500万至4740万纽币的保健、教育和生产力费用。  “引入强制性防御工事是确保支持育龄妇女增加叶酸消费的安全方法。此举符合澳大利亚的防御工事方法,它使神经管缺陷的流行率下降,特别是在青少年怀孕和怀孕方面土著妇女″。艾莎·维拉尔说。  官员们将与工业界密切合作,通过向面粉厂提供支持,确保达到建议的叶酸强化水平:包括购买和安装必要基础设施的财政援助,估计费用为160万纽币。 将有一个两年的过渡期。 ·      新西兰估计的神经管缺陷率(每10 000名新生儿10.6例)高于实施强制性叶酸强化的国家,包括美国(每10 000名新生儿7.0例)、加拿大(每10 000例出生8.6例)和澳大利亚(每10000例出生8.7例)。 ·      在澳大利亚,在引入强制性叶酸强化后,NTD率总体下降了14。这导致卫生结果的公平性得到改善,特别是土著社区(下降74)和少女母亲(下降55)。 ·      在公众咨询期间,大多数提交者都支持强制性方法,包括公共卫生专业人员和组织、学者和消费者。在指定首选方法的人中,85 的人支持强制防御工事。 . 卫生部支持这一强制性做法,总理首席科学顾问和皇家学会Te Apérangi在2018年的一份报告中没有发现任何证据表明叶酸在食品中强化时有任何有害影响。

New Zealand Ministry of Food Safety, July 8 news,Folic acid fortification to protect tamariki The Government is taking action to prevent spina bifida and similar conditions, with the approval of the addition of the B vitamin, folic acid, to non-organic bread-making wheat flour. “This is about protecting babies. Low folate levels in mothers cause neural tube defects that result in the death of babies, or life-long disability,” said Minister for Food Safety Dr Ayesha Verrall. “New Zealand’s rate of NTDs remains too high compared to other countries who have a mandatory fortification approach, such as Australia, Canada, and the United States. “A little over half of pregnancies in New Zealand are unplanned, so it’s not practical for all women to take a folic acid supplement one month before they conceive – to reduce the risk of these conditions,” Ayesha Verrall said. “This B vitamin is safe and essential for health; particularly for development of babies early in pregnancy. Folate is naturally present in food; folic acid fortification restores what is lost during processing such as flour milling. “Organic and non-wheat flour will be exempt from fortification, providing a choice for consumers who don’t want to consume folic acid,” Ayesha Verrall said. A review by the Ministry for Primary Industries estimates fortifying all non-organic wheat flour for making bread could prevent between 162 and 240 neural tube defects over 30 years, and reduce health, education and productivity costs by between $25 million and $47.4 million over the same period. “Introducing mandatory fortification is a safe way to ensure women of childbearing age are supported to increase their folic acid consumption. “This move aligns us with Australia’s fortification approach, which has achieved declines in the prevalence of neural tube defects, particularly in pregnancies among teenagers and indigenous women,” Ayesha Verrall said. Officials will work closely with industry to ensure the recommended level of folic acid fortification is achieved, by providing support to flour millers; including financial assistance for the purchase and installation of the necessary infrastructure, which is estimated to cost $1.6 million. There will be a two-year transition period. ·       New Zealand’s estimated neural tube defect rate (10.6 per 10,000 births) is higher than countries that have implemented mandatory folic acid fortification, including the United States (7.0 per 10,000 births), Canada (8.6 per 10,000 births) and Australia (8.7 per 10,000 births). ·       In Australia, NTDs rates fell by 14% overall following the introduction of mandatory folic acid fortification. This resulted in improved equity in health outcomes, particularly for indigenous communities (74% decline in NTDs) and teenage mothers (55% decline in NTDs). ·       During public consultation, the majority of submitters were supportive of a mandatory approach, including public health professionals and organisations, academics, and consumers. Of those who specified a preferred approach, 85% supported mandatory fortification. ·       The Ministry of Health supports the mandatory approach, and a 2018 report from the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor and the Royal Society Te Apārangi found no evidence that folic acid, when fortified in food, had any harmful effects.


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