



7月29日新西兰卫生部消息,卫生长安德鲁·利特尔(AndrewLittle)今天表示,1000多名新西兰人患了肠癌,这是新西兰第二常见的癌症死因。 2017年,1200多名新西兰人死于肠癌。筛查计划旨在通过及早发现它来挽救生命,使病人有更大的生存机会。 “新西兰是发达国家中肠癌发病率最高的国家之一,这就是为什么我们需要这个项目”。 安德鲁·利特尔说:“这个国家每月有100人死于肠癌。该方案已开始降低这一数字。在发现的癌症中,有39处于早期阶段,95的患者至少再活5年。除此之外,该项目还导致数百人切除了癌前息肉,挽救了更多的生命。” 国家肠筛查计划始于2017年,是第一个提供给男性和女性的癌症筛查方案。它的目标人群为60至74岁的人群,这是最有可能患肠癌的年龄组,目前由20个地区卫生委员会中的17个提供服务。 安德鲁·利特尔说:“我们已经在该项目上花费了1.97亿纽币,2021年预算在四年内拨款5060万纽币,用于引进其余三个地区。” 他说:“该计划全面推出后,每两年会对约七十万人进行甄别。每一个收到邮件中的肠道癌症检测工具包的人都应该使用它。这个测试很容易做,只需要几分钟。它可以拯救你的生命”。

Bowel-cancer screening programme is saving livesMore than 1000 New Zealanders have had bowel cancer – New Zealand’s second-most-common cause of death from cancer – detected under the Government’s National Bowel Screening Programme, Health Minister Andrew Little said today. More than 1200 New Zealanders died from bowel cancer in 2017. The screening programme aims to save lives by catching it early, giving patients a greater chance of survival. “New Zealand has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the developed world and that’s why we need this programme,” Andrew Little said.“This country records 100 deaths a month from bowel cancer. The programme is starting to reduce that toll. Thirty-nine per cent of the cancers found have been in the early stages, where there is a 95 per cent chance of patients living at least another five years. “On top of that, the programme has led to hundreds of people having pre-cancerous polyps removed, saving more lives.”The National Bowel Screening Programme started in 2017 and is the first cancer-screening programme offered to both men and women. It targets people aged 60 to 74, the age group most at risk from bowel cancer, and is now offered by 17 of the 20 district health boards. “We’ve already spent $197 million on the programme, and Budget 2021 allocated $50.6 million over four years to bring in the remaining three districts,” Andrew Little said.“Once it is fully rolled out, the programme will screen about 700,000 people every two years. “Everyone who gets a bowel-cancer test kit in the mail should use it. The test is easy to do and takes just a few minutes. It could save your life.”


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