
交通部长伍德(Michael Wood)7月6日(今天)宣布,为进一步鼓励电动汽车减少排放,政府延长了轻型电动汽车的道路使用费豁免(RUC),每年可节省约800纽币。



新西兰人每年可以节省大约 800 纽币,这使他们有另一个理由改用电动汽车。鉴于在家非高峰期为电动汽车充电就像在 40c/升左右购买汽油一样,因此可以节省大量成本。清洁汽车折扣也有助于获得电动汽车的前期成本,新西兰人得到高达8,625纽币回到手中。

迈克尔伍德说:″虽然清洁汽车折扣现在为购买零排放汽车的人提供支持,但豁免继续为在折扣公布前购买汽车的人提供支持。我们正在做这项工作,以确保新西兰人有信心做出改变,到2023年,将低排放运输基金的资金增加近四倍,以继续发展全国电动汽车充电网络。大多数州道上每 75 公里就有一次电动汽车充电器。鉴于自我们上任以来,我们道路上登记的电动汽车数量是前五倍多,而且随着我们的新政策,电动汽车的增长速度可能会更快,因此,我们需要进一步仔细研究延长对轻型电动汽车的豁免”。

Clean Car Package revs up with RUC exemption extension

To further encourage the uptake of electric vehicles to reduce emissions, the Government has extended the Road User Charges (RUC) exemption for light electric vehicles saving Kiwis around $800 a year, Transport Minister Michael Wood announced today.
Electric vehicles are exempt from paying road user charges that normally apply to vehicles that don’t pay for petrol at the pump. This exemption has been extended until 31 March 2024 as part of the Government’s Clean Car Package.
“Our Government is continuing to take action to tackle transport emissions to meet our 2050 carbon neutral target – part of this is helping Kiwis into cleaner cars,” Michael Wood said.

“New Zealanders can save about $800 per year with this exemption, giving them another reason to make the switch to an electric vehicle. Given charging your electric vehicle at home off-peak is like buying petrol at around 40c/litre, there are huge savings to be made.

“The Clean Car Discount is also helping with the upfront cost of getting an electric vehicle, with Kiwis getting up to $8,625 back in the hand.

“While the Clean Car Discount is providing support to those purchasing zero emission cars now, the exemption continues to provide support for those who bought one before the Discount was announced.

“We’re doing the work to make sure Kiwis can have confidence to make the switch by giving the Low Emission Transport Fund nearly four times the funding by 2023 to continue to grow the nationwide EV charging network. Electric vehicle chargers are already available every 75km along most state highways.

“Given there are over five times the number of electric vehicles registered on our roads since we came to office, and this is likely to grow even faster with our new policies, we will need to look closely at any further extensions to the exemption for light electric vehicles,” Michael Wood said.


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