





纳纳亚·马胡塔说:”这次商定使理事会能够评估拟议改革对其社区的影响,以及提出的大量信息 。我承认已提出了广泛的意见,并感谢为政府提供建设性反馈的议会。

8 月和 9 月与理事会、iwi、行业机构和其他利益相关者举行了 150 多次会议和接触,讨论拟议的改革。 在此之前,改革工作已进行了四年,包括过去15个月通过中央-地方政府联合指导委员会与地方政府、工业和iwi合作。我们的供水系统和服务面临的挑战已经存在了二十多年,我们现在需要解决这些挑战。我们正在接受船上的反馈,同时重申现状不会继续下去。随着本周早些时候《水务法》的通过,对遵守情况的监督和执行将增加,社区将不必忍受二流的供水服务”。

 作为7月政府与LGNZ之间《协定》的一部分,目前正在开展工作,以考虑在政府良好治理、与马纳伊努阿的伙伴关系、公有制以及业务和财政自治的底线范围内对提案进行细化。 我在整个过程中一直在收到报告,并期待在未来几周内收到最后报告,包括关于改变提案方面的任何建议。然后,内阁将考虑三水改革的下一步,包括公众咨询程序。  这不是地方和中央政府之间关于这些改革的讨论的结束。我们致力于在改革过程中继续这种伙伴关系,以确保新西兰人的今世后代拥有安全、可靠和负担得起的供水服务”纳纳亚·马胡塔说。

1 October 2021,
Government to consider next steps in three waters reforms
  Today marks the final day of the two-month long engagement between the Government and local councils on the proposed reforms to New Zealand’s drinking, storm and waste water services.
  Local Government Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, acknowledged the feedback councils have provided over the engagement period.
  “This time was agreed to enable Councils to assess the impact of the proposed reforms on their communities, and the considerable amount of information put forward” said Nanaia Mahuta.
  “I acknowledge the wide range of views that have come forward, and want to thank councils who provided constructive feedback for the Government to consider.
  “More than 150 meetings and engagements were held with councils, iwi, industry bodies and other stakeholders in August and September to discuss the proposed reforms..
  “This follows four years of work on the reforms, including the last 15 months working with local government, industry and iwi through the joint Central-Local Government Steering Committee.
  “The challenges facing our water system and services have been around for more than two decades and we need to address them now. We are taking feedback on board, while reaffirming the status quo will not continue. With the passing of the Water Services Act earlier this week, monitoring and enforcement of compliance will increase – communities will not have to put up with second rate water services,” said Nanaia Mahuta.
  Work is underway as part of the July Heads of Agreement between the Government and LGNZ to consider refinements to the proposals within the Government’s bottom lines of good governance, partnership with mana whenua, public ownership and operational and financial autonomy.
  “I have been receiving reports throughout this process and expect a final report in the coming weeks, including any advice on changing aspects of the proposals. Cabinet will then consider the next steps for the three waters reforms, including a process for public consultation.
  “This is not the end of discussions between local and central government on these reforms. We are committed to continuing this partnership over the course of the reforms to ensure that present and future generations of New Zealanders have water services that are safe, reliable and affordable,” said Nanaia Mahuta.


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