8月6日新西兰新闻秘书处消息,政府为更多精神健康举措设立新的创新基金 。卫生部长,政府设立了一次性精神卫生创新基金,以进一步扩大对有需要的人的支持。
卫生部长安德鲁·利特尔说:“本届政府正在改变 Aotearoa——新西兰的心理健康方式,更加注重社区护理,更加重视预防和早期干预"。
安德鲁·利特尔说: “耗资 120万纽币的心理健康创新基金试点项目是针对有助于改善心理健康的一次性提案,包括旨在减少自杀痛苦或自杀行为的举措。
卫生部经常收到来自非政府组织、本地和其他团体的许多财政援助请求,以支持心理健康倡议,但不一定适合现有的招标。该基金是政府支持这些计划的另一种方式。其中一些提案具有价值,可以对 He Ara Oranga 中确定的需求做出积极贡献:政府对心理健康和成瘾的调查报告,但不在计划采购的范围内。卫生部将邀请少数组织提供建议并参与封闭式选择性招标″。
部长说: “政府的愿景是帮助人们保持精神健康——在他们社区的支持下。 我们正在研究更大的图景,并且知道还有更多工作要做,但这是政府可以为有迫切需要的人提供服务的另一种方式。我们希望确保那些有复杂或严重需求的人能够及时获得专家帮助,这是我们为所有新西兰人创造更美好未来奠定基础的承诺的一部分"。
120万纽币的心理健康创新基金试点项目是 2019 年预算19亿纽币福利投资的一部分。政府在4-5年推出的获取和选择方案方面已取得一半:第一年的重点是扩大现有服务,以及从零开始规划和创造新的服务:第 2 年专注于推出和增加这些服务,以便向需要的人提供更多支持。自19年预算案以来,我们取得的成就,200多个全科医生网站,在新西兰全境提供综合初级心理健康和成瘾服务。超过520个全职等价物(FTE)已签约提供服务。自 2019 年 7 月以来,新的初级心理健康和成瘾服务部门提供的课程超过134,000次。建立了Whériki,一个知识交流网络,使领导人能够分享学习和转变服务。
· 每年增加800个毛利人和太平洋文化能力劳动力培训名额,资助74项毛利人自杀预防倡议。 资助18项太平洋自杀预防倡议”。
New innovation fund for more mental health initiatives
The government has set up a one-off defined mental health innovation fund to further expand the support available to those who need it, Health Minister Andrew Little says.
“This government is transforming Aotearoa – New Zealand’s approach to mental wellbeing with greater focus on care in the community, and more emphasis on prevention and early intervention,” Andrew Little said.
“The $1.2-million Mental Wellbeing Innovation Fund pilot project is for one-off defined proposals that could contribute to improving mental wellbeing, including initiatives that focus on reducing suicidal distress or behaviour.”
A number of requests for financial assistance from non-government organisations, iwi and other groups to support mental wellbeing initiatives are regularly received by the Ministry of Health, but do not necessarily fit into existing tenders. This fund is another way the Government can look to support these programmes.
“Some of these proposals have merit and could contribute positively to the needs identified in He Ara Oranga: the Report of The Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction, but are outside the scope of the planned procurements.
“A small number of organisations will be invited by the Ministry of Health to provide proposals and participate in a closed selective tender,” Andrew Little said.
“The Government’s vision is to help people stay mentally well – with the help of support available in their communities.
“We are working on the bigger picture and know there is more work to do, but this is another way this government can provide services for those with immediate needs.
“We want to ensure those with complex or severe needs get timely access to specialist help as part of our commitment to laying the foundations for a better future for all New Zealanders.”
The $1.2-million Mental Wellbeing Innovation Fund pilot project is part of Budget 2019’s $1.9-billion wellbeing investment
· The Government is half way in to its 4-5-year roll-out of the Access and Choice Programme; Year 1 had a focus on expanding existing services as well as planning and creating new services from scratch; Year 2 focusses on rolling out and ramping up these services to make support more available to those who need it
What we have achieved since Budget ‘19
· 200+ GP sites delivering integrated primary mental health and addiction services across New Zealand
· Over 520 full-time equivalents (FTE) have been contracted to provide services.
· Over 134,000 Sessions delivered by new primary mental health and addiction services since July 2019
· Established Whāriki, a knowledge exchange network to enable leaders to share learning and transform services.
· 800 Additional Māori and Pacific cultural competency workforce training places each year
· 74 Māori suicide prevention initiatives funded
· 18 Pacific suicide prevention initiatives funded
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