
10月23日,政府对独立审查工作安全局作出回应。 工作场所关系和安全部长迈克尔·伍德说:”政府明确期望工作安全必须向监管机构提出独立审查的建议,以改善对瓦卡里白岛惨案后冒险活动的管理。 商业创新与就业部(MBIE)今天发布了独立审查报告。这是在政府要求MBIE就工作安全是否适当履行其与瓦卡里白岛有关的义务提供咨询意见之后委托进行的。审查审议了工作安全在火山爆发前期间对瓦卡里白岛采取的行动。 

迈克尔·伍德说:”瓦卡里白岛火山爆发是一场毁灭性的悲剧,造成22人死亡,多人受伤,作为一个政府,我们致力于吸取教训,帮助防止类似事件的发生。审查发现,工作安全在2014-2019年期间对瓦卡里白岛活动的监管没有做好。审查表明,工作安全管理冒险活动系统需要改进。审查提出了明确的建议,我期望这些建议将在明年7月前得到实施,并要求它们计划在月底之前完成这项工作。我还要求工作安全考虑审查的教训,以及这些教训如何更广泛地应用于其工作的其他领域,以确保它们没有相同的问题。  在改进新西兰的冒险活动制度以提高安全标准方面,还进行了更广泛的工作。重要的是,一旦边境重新开放,我们为新西兰人和国际游客提供安全体验。 目前就冒险活动制度进行磋商,我鼓励大家对改善该部门健康和安全提出建议”。 

迈克尔·伍德说:”如果我们加强冒险活动法规并改进工作安全流程,我们就能降低像瓦卡里白岛火山爆发这样的可怕事件再次发生的风险。 工作安全局目前正在起诉13个缔约方,原因是他们未能履行与瓦卡里白岛活动相关的健康和安全职责。这些起诉独立于冒险活动监管制度的变化。







Govt responds to independent review into WorkSafe
The Government has clear expectations that WorkSafe must action the recommendations of the independent review into the regulator to improve its management of adventure activities following the tragedy at Whakaari White Island, Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Wood says.
The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) today released the independent review by David Laurenson QC. It was commissioned after the Government asked MBIE to provide advice on whether WorkSafe carried out its obligations appropriately in relation to Whakaari White Island. The review considered WorkSafe’s actions in relation to Whakaari White Island in the period before the eruption.
“The Whakaari White Island eruption was a devastating tragedy where 22 people died and more were injured – as a Government we committed to learning the lessons to help prevent similar incidents,” Michael Wood said.
“The review found that WorkSafe fell short of good practice in its regulation of activities on Whakaari White Island over the 2014-19 period. The review says that improvements are needed in WorkSafe’s management of the adventure activities system.
“The review makes clear recommendations and my expectation is they will be actioned by July next year and have asked for their plan to complete this work by the end of the month. I have also asked WorkSafe to consider the review’s lessons and how these might apply more broadly to other areas of their work to ensure they do not have the same issues.
“There is also wider work underway on improving the adventure activities regime in New Zealand to raise safety standards. It’s important we provide safe experiences for New Zealanders and international visitors once our borders reopen.
“A consultation on the adventure activities regime is currently open and I encourage everyone to have their say on the proposed improvements to health and safety in the sector.
“If we strengthen the adventure activities regulations and improve WorkSafe processes, we can reduce the risk of terrible events like the Whakaari White Island eruption happening again,” Michael Wood said.
The independent review is available here.
WorkSafe is currently prosecuting 13 parties for failing to meet health and safety duties associated with activities on Whakaari White Island. These prosecutions are independent of the adventure activities regulatory regime changes.

A consultation is currently underway on change proposals for the adventure activities regulatory regime. It closes at 5.00pm 5 November 2021.

The Police are conducting an investigation into the Whakaari White Island event on behalf of the Coroner. The Coronial inquest will take place once WorkSafe’s prosecutions are complete.

MBIE through Police’s Liaison Function has kept victims and victims’ families informed throughout the review process.

The recommendations of the independent review include:

WorkSafe should recognise activities carried out on Whakaari White Island as its own adventure activity (rather than as part of trekking/mountaineering activities)

WorkSafe should identify the appropriate experience and qualifications required to carry out an audit of these activities – in particular, the expertise to assess whether operators are using good practice to manage the risks of people being close to a live volcano

WorkSafe, or an appropriate industry body, should identify individuals or organisations with appropriate experience and qualifications, and ensure they are available to be engaged as a technical expert when required.

WorkSafe should implement processes to ensure that when they are informed about an audit being planned for activities on Whakaari White Island, auditors are told to use an appropriate technical expert and are provided the details of the technical experts available.

WorkSafe, in partnership with the identified technical experts, should consider whether it should develop safety guidelines for activities on Whakaari White Island.


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