

新西兰新闻秘书处6月24日消息,儿童部长开尔文·戴维斯(Kelvin Davis)欢迎一些改革,这些改革将使照顾州照料系统以外的儿童更容易获得急需的经济援助。
Kelvin Davis 说:在新西兰各地,大约有 15,000 名护理人员每天加强照顾大约 24,000 名无法由父母照顾的新西兰儿童。
开尔文·戴维斯说:”这意味着那些照顾者可以在那些非常特殊的日子里提供一点额外的服务。假期津贴将于今年十二月圣诞节前缴,生日津贴将于二零二二年一月及以后的儿童生日前后缴付。最近,政府通过2021年财政预算案投资了5 700万纽币,以消除不同照顾者在标准化付款方面的剩余差距。这些更改将于 2022 年 4 月实施。这些变化只是政府应对2019年对照顾者财政援助进行全面审查的一部分。我们还在进行长期工作,改革对照顾者的财政援助和支持制度,以确保我们无法得到父母照顾的儿童得到他们需要和应得的支持”。

Financial support for caregivers widened

News from the New Zealand Information Secretariat on June 23,Children’s Minister Kelvin Davis has welcomed changes that will make it easier for caregivers looking after children outside of the state care system to access much-needed financial assistance.
The Social Security (Financial Assistance for Caregivers) Amendment Bill will also allow these caregivers to access further benefits previously unavailable to them.
“Across New Zealand, there are about 15,000 caregivers who have stepped up on a day-to-day basis to look after some 24,000 New Zealand children who are not able to be cared for by their parents,” said Kelvin Davis.
“I have every hope that the changes made today, go some way to rebalancing some of the inequity that exists, by eliminating some of the disparities in the payment system.
There are two types of caregivers: those who look after children in state care, and those who look after children who are not in state care.
The first change enacted today addresses the discrepancy between the support that these two types of caregivers get by removing the minimum period of care required for caregivers outside of state care to qualify for the Orphan’s Benefit or the Unsupported Child’s Benefit and associated payments.
Until now these benefits have been available only when a child or young person was expected to be in the care of their caregiver for at least 12 months, resulting in many caregivers missing out on much-needed support.
The second change will give caregivers who receive the Orphan’s Benefit or the Unsupported Child’s Benefit access to annual Holiday and Birthday Allowances for tamariki and rangatahi in their care. Until now these allowances have only been paid to caregivers of children in state care.
“It means those caregivers can provide a little bit extra on those very special days,” says Kelvin Davis.
The Holiday Allowance will be paid in December in advance of Christmas Day this year, and the Birthday Allowance will be paid in advance of children’s birthdays in and after January 2022.
Recently, the Government made an investment of $57 million through Budget 2021 to remove the remaining disparities in standardised payments that different caregivers receive. These changes will be implemented in April 2022.
“These changes are just a part of the Government’s response to a comprehensive review of financial assistance for caregivers undertaken in 2019.
“We are also progressing long-term work to reform the system of financial assistance and support for caregivers, to ensure that our tamariki who are unable to be cared for by their parents get the support that they need and deserve”。


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