






教育部长克里斯·希普金斯说: “这意味着尽管他们受到了疫情的影响,奥克兰的学生也将有公平的机会获得国家教育成绩证书( NCEA)。奥克兰学生在2021 学年将通过评估中每4个学分将获得1个学习认可学分 (LRC),而不是象过往的每5个获得1个学习认可学分( LRC)。 他们在获得国家教育成绩(NCEA)1级时,他们最多可获取16个学习认可学分(LRC),他们在获得国家教育成绩(NCEA)2级和3级时,最多允许获取12个学习认可学分(LRC),不会受疫情警报3级或4级影响浪费时间而受到限制。

对于那些可以早日返校的奥克兰学生来说,关于可以获得证书(Certiflcate Endorsement)的要求也降底了条件,从46学分降到44学分(Merit or Excellence level)”。

克里斯·希普金斯说:“这些变化是在奥克兰第二次封锁之后,在2020 年全面重新启动为支持奥克兰而提供的。 COVID-19对奥克兰造成破坏的影响也意味着一些学生及其家庭可能对重返学校感到担忧,学生们需要时间来重新适应课堂学习,以获得额外学习认可学分(LRC )的机会,以让学生们放心,他们仍然可以轻易得到资格和奖项。


22 September 2021
,The number of Learning Recognition Credits for senior secondary school students will be increased for Auckland students, Education Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed today.
This recognises the extended time these students will spend in Alert Levels 3 and 4.
“It means students in Auckland will have a fair opportunity to attain NCEA, despite the additional disruption they have experienced,” Chris Hipkins says.
Auckland students will be entitled to 1 Learning Recognition Credit (LRC) for every 4 credits they achieve through assessment in the 2021 school year, rather than 1 LRC for every 5.
They will be eligible for up to 16 LRCs at NCEA Level 1, and 12 LRCs at levels 2 and 3, instead of the current caps for students who have spent 16 days or 20 days under Alert Levels 3 or 4.
The threshold for Auckland students to be awarded a Certificate Endorsement will also be adjusted to 44 credits at Merit or Excellence level, rather than 46 for students who were able to return to classroom learning sooner.
“These changes are a full reactivation of the support provided to Auckland in 2020, following their second lockdown,” Chris Hipkins says.
“The disproportionate impact of disruption from COVID-19 on Auckland also means some students and their families may be apprehensive about returning to school, and it will take time for students to readjust to classroom learning.
“The opportunity to earn additional LRCs provides reassurance to students that their qualification and awards remain within reach.
“I would also like to thank schools, teachers and whānau in Auckland for the work they have done and continue to do to support students at this time,” Chris Hipkins says.


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