10月28日教育部消,吸引孩子们心灵的曲调现在可以在网上找到。 昨日教育部副部长称,现已为下一代提供了深受喜爱的学校资源-这一项目正受到教育副部长杨.蒂内蒂(JanTinetti)的欢迎。
在2010年之前,新西兰人歌曲每年都被分发到学校里,直到2010年,有50首经典歌曲,包括鱼和薯片,以及更好的个性的歌曲,都可以在网上找到。 教育部副部长说:“这是一项极具价值的资源。我在教书的时候每天都会唱新西兰本地的歌曲,孩子们很喜欢他们,因为他们可以在非常吸引人,从歌曲中看到自己和他们的经历”。 “新西兰本地歌曲创造了课堂和家庭记忆。像这样的歌曲支持老师为学生提供有效而丰富的音乐学习经验,这有助于确保每个孩子都能得到良好的教育。
从10月28日起,将通过教育部艺术部在线网站推出50首新西兰本地歌曲。该项目是与新西兰音乐教育公司-新西兰(Menza)合作开展的。新发布的经典藏品被专门策划,以捕捉强烈的新西兰元素。大约三分之一的歌曲使用语言并反映出毛利人的世界,其中许多歌曲包含了太平洋文化。 歌曲将作为视频卡拉OK曲目,每一首完整的歌曲伴随着教学建议,一个完整的音乐乐谱和一首没有声音的曲目。它们是针对1-8岁儿童的。
News from the Ministry of Education on October 28,Tunes that captured kids’ hearts now available online
A much loved school resource is now available for the next generation – a project that is being welcomed by Associate Minister of Education Jan Tinetti.
Kiwi Kidsongs were distributed to schools every year for almost 20 years until 2010 and now 50 of the classics including Fish and Chips and Individuality are available online.
“This is an extremely valued resource. I used Kiwi Kidsongs every day when I was teaching and the kids loved them because they could see themselves and their experiences in the very catchy songs,” Jan Tinetti said.
“Kiwi Kidsongs made classroom and family memories. Songs like these support teachers to provide effective and rich learning experiences in music for their students which helps to make sure every child gets a great education
“As the Prime Minister has said, we want New Zealand to be the best place in the world to be a child, and taking the very best of musical education from the past and sharing it with the next generation is another step towards this,” Jan Tinetti said.
Fifty Kiwi Kidsongs will be launched through the Ministry of Education’s Arts Online website from 28 October. The project is a collaboration with Music Education New Zealand Aotearoa (MENZA).
The newly released classic collection has been specifically curated to capture a strong New Zealand identity. About a third of the songs use te reo and reflect te ao Māori and many include Pacific cultures.
The songs will be available as video karaoke tracks, and each complete song is accompanied by teaching suggestions, a full musical score and a track without vocals. They are aimed at children from Years 1—8.
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