




11月2日新西兰新闻秘书处消息,新房同意人数达到前所未有的水平。 截至2021年9月,共有47,331套新房获得同意,比2020年9月增加了25%。 2021年9月,4483套新住房获得同意。奥克兰的新房同意人数去年增长了29% 。

建筑和建设部长波托·威廉姆斯说:“建筑部门正在以创纪录的水平建造新房子。 今年早些时候,我们在2021年3月达到了一个里程碑,当时我们同意在20世纪70年代以来的一年内建造的房屋数量超过任何政府。现在,我们已连续第七个月超过这些记录”。  新西兰统计局今天公布的估计显示,在截至2021年9月30日的一年里,新房数量达到创纪录的47,331套。这比2020年9月增加了25。 

波托·威廉姆斯说:”今天的数字表明,尽管疫情大流行带来了挑战,但建筑和建筑行业仍保持弹性。  在2021年6月30日的一年里,建筑业的雇员人数比2020年6月的一年增加了5.1%(13 400人)。该部门仍然是新西兰的第四大雇主,目前约占全国劳动力的10%,为275 600人”。

波托-威廉姆斯表示:”我们目前经历的住宅建设需求突破性水平,加上政府对基础设施的强劲投资,意味着该行业在从COVID-19中复苏方面处于更有利的地位。 从 2020 年最后一个季度开始,随着建筑需求开始回升,建筑行业迅速成长为新西兰 GDP 增长的主要贡献者之一。展望未来,通过引入新的创新建筑设计和技术,可能会有机会在建筑过程中引入效率。昨天,内阁同意了监管建议,以支持建筑行业获得更大的创新机会和规模经济。这些建议包括监管细节,以支持模块化组件制造商的新自愿认证计划,使该部门能够利用异地建筑技术。 

新住宅的异地制造技术和住宅的制造部件正日益受到全球的欢迎。这些决定将支持建筑部门增加使用非现场制造方法,这种方法可以提高生产率,降低建筑成本和时间,并通过减少废物和运输促进更好的环境成果。 通过更好地建设,我们可以帮助为每个人提供安全、健康和持久的建筑,同时支持我们的经济复苏到COVID-19。 成就:

·      我们已经采取行动,停止房地产投机,我们禁止外国买家和取消税收优惠的房地产投机者。

·      自 2017 年 11 月以来,我们额外交付了 8,516 套公共住房,其中 6,751 套是新建住房。在此期间还增加了2 867所过渡住房。

·      我们比上世纪70年代以来任何政府在管道和道路等基础设施上的投资都多,以建造更多的住房。·      我们38亿纽币的基础设施住房加速基金将投资于加快新的负担得起的住房的速度和规模,包括毛利人住房

·      2021年预算中为毛利住房提供3.8亿纽币,以巩固我们已开始的MAIHI工作。

·      为基林加奥拉额外借款20亿纽币,用于购买战略性住房用地。

·      我们正在削减繁琐的手续,以增加住房供应,并使更多的中等密度住房,允许人们在大多数地点建造最多三层的三套住房,而无需获得资源同意”。

     2 November,New home consents reach unprecedented levels

  In the year ended September 2021, 47,331 new homes consented, up 25 per cent from the September 2020 year.
In September 2021, 4,483 new dwellings consented
Auckland’s new homes consented numbers rose 29 per cent in the last year
The construction sector is building new houses at record levels, says Minister for Building and Construction Poto Williams.
  “We reached a milestone earlier this year in March 2021 when we consented more homes to be built than any government in a year since the 1970s. Now, for the seventh month in a row, we have continued to outperform these records,” said Poto Williams.
 Estimates from Statistics New Zealand released today show the number of new homes consented in the year ended 30 September 2021 is at a record high of 47,331. This is an increase of 25 per cent from the September 2020 year.
  “These figures today show that in spite of challenges posed by the Covid pandemic, the building and construction sector has remained resilient,” Poto Williams said.
  The building construction industry had 5.1 per cent (13,400) more employees in the year to 30 June 2021 than in the year to June 2020. The sector remains the fourth largest employer in New Zealand and now makes up approximately 10 per cent of the national workforce at 275,600 people.
“The ground breaking levels of demand for residential construction we are currently experiencing paired with strong government investment in infrastructure has meant that the sector has been in a stronger position to front our economic recovery from COVID-19,” Poto Williams said.
  “From the last quarter of 2020, the construction sector quickly grew to become one of the major contributors to GDP growth in the country, as demand for construction began to pick up.
  “Looking ahead, there may be opportunities to introduce efficiencies in the building process with the introduction of new and innovative building designs and technologies.
  “Yesterday Cabinet agreed to regulatory proposals to support greater opportunity for innovation and economies of scale in the building sector. Part of these proposals include regulatory detail to support a new voluntary certification scheme for modular component manufacturers which will enable the sector to take advantage of offsite building techniques.”
  Offsite manufacturing techniques for new homes and building components for homes are seeing increased global popularity. These decisions will support the increased use of off-site manufacturing approaches in the building sector, which can lift productivity, reduce building costs and time, and contribute to better environmental outcomes through a reduction in waste and transportation
  “By building back better we can help deliver safe, healthy and durable buildings for everyone while supporting our economic recovery to COVID-19” Poto Williams said.

·       We’ve moved to stop housing speculation, with our ban on foreign buyers and removing tax advantages for property speculators.
·       Since November 2017 we have delivered an extra 8,516 public housing homes, with 6,751 being new builds. An extra 2,867 Transitional homes have also been added in this time.
·       We are investing more than any government has done since the 1970’s on infrastructure like pipes and roads to get more housing built.
·       Our $3.8 billion Housing Acceleration Fund for infrastructure will invest in increasing the pace and scale of new, affordable housing, including for Māori
·       $380 million for Māori housing in Budget 2021 to build on the MAIHI work we’ve started.
·       $2 billion in extra borrowing for Kāinga Ora for strategic land purchases for housing.
·       We are cutting red tape to boost housing supply and enable more medium density housing – allowing people to build up to three homes of up to three storeys on most sites without the need for a resource consent


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