
警察部长波托.威廉姆斯说: “特别令人振奋的是,今天的毕业生中再次有超过50%是女性,这表明警方致力于反映她们服务的社区。 我国政府对警察的投资创下了纪录,这意味着警察队伍比以往任何一届政府都要庞大。这意味着比以往任何时候都有更多的警察在巡逻和处理帮派打击有组织犯罪。让帮派头目离开我们的社区,并缴获他们的枪支。我还想感谢我们的警察在COVID-19反应中发挥的作用,从把守检查站,到保证访问,到合规检查。我要向我们的警官们说声谢谢你们”。
波托.威廉姆斯说 :”上个月,我们宣布对一线安全进行4500万纽币的投资,以加快警方新的战术反应模式。关于该模式的咨询已经结束,我期待着看到它在各地区进行试验,最终在全国范围内推广。我们永远无法消除警务工作中的风险,但作为警务部长,我希望确保警方拥有完成工作所需的人员、资源和立法″。
Over 2,600 new police officers on the frontline
The Government’s record investment in Police has resulted in 2,695 new police officers on the frontline with the graduation of 36 new officers from Wing 347 today, Police Minister Poto Williams says.
“Police work tirelessly every day to keep our communities safe, whilst also being vital to our COVID-19 response. Police provide the ultimate public service – and I would like to congratulate Wing 347 on joining the Service at this critical time,” Poto Williams said.
“It is particularly heartening to see that once again over 50 per cent of today’s graduates are women, demonstrating Police’s commitment to reflecting the communities they serve.
“Our Government’s record investment in Police has meant that the Police workforce is larger than it has ever been under any previous government. This has meant more officers on the beat than ever before tackling gangs and organised crime, getting gang leaders off our streets, and seizing guns from criminals.
“I also want to acknowledge our Police officers for their role in the COVID-19 response, from manning checkpoints, to reassurance visits, to compliance checks. To our officers – thank you.
“Last month we announced a $45 million investment in frontline safety to speed up Police’s new Tactical Response Model. Consultation on the Model has ended, and I look forward to seeing it trialled in districts ahead of ultimately being rolled out across the country. We can never eliminate the risk from policing – but as Police Minister, I want to ensure Police have the people, resources, and legislation they need to do their job,” Poto Williams said.
The new constables will start work on the frontline in their districts on Monday 8 November.
They are being dispersed to districts as follows:
Northland – 2, Tamaki Makaurau – 14, Waikato – 1, Bay of Plenty – 6, Eastern – 1, Central – 2, Wellington – 5, Tasman – 1, Canterbury – 2, Southern-2。
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