
据2021年6月28日新西兰地震委员会消息     新西兰世界首个自然灾害应对模式6月30日生效。世界首个自然灾害保险模式受到地震委员会部长大卫·克拉克的欢迎。  八家私营保险公司,地震委员会(EQC)和新西兰保险理事会(ICNZ)的合作,意味着每个新西兰人现在只有一个自然灾害保险索赔联络点。 地震委员会负责部长大卫·克拉克说;”这种伙伴关系是政府和工业界以协调的方式走到一起,提供可以说是世界上最迅速的救灾平台之一的一个很好的例子”。 它把索赔者置于保险过程的中心。前一个系统的故障是,EQC 上限的索赔首先由 EQC 评估,然后是私人保险公司。这导 致延误、工作范围冲突和给房主增加了压力”。  地震委员会公众调查!告向EQC和私营保险公司提出了若干建议,以促进自然灾害后人们获得更好的体验。这种模式直接回应了调查69项建议中的24项”。 以2016年Kaikéura.地震后使用的模式为基础,人们只需向私人保险公司提出一项私人和EQC保险的所有方面的索赔。然而,EQC仍继续发挥协调政府在未来自然灾害后保险应对和恢复方面的作用。 部长说:”EQC 将继续推动其价值 2200 万美元的世界级自然灾害和工程研究计划,这支持了 EQC 获得 70 亿美元再保险并为新西兰房主提供持续负担得起的房屋保险的能力,政府对公众调查的反应进展良好。我预计今年年底将出台立法,使《EQC法案》现代化″。

New Zealand’s world’s first natural disaster response model is effective!According to news from the New Zealand Earthquake Commission on June 28, 2021,A world first natural disaster insurance model which comes into effect on 30 June, is being welcomed by the Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission, David Clark. The collaboration between eight private insurers, the Earthquake Commission (EQC) and the Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ), means each New Zealander now has a single point of contact for natural disaster insurance claims. “The partnership is a good example of Government and industry coming together in a co-ordinated way to deliver what is arguably one of the most responsive disaster response platforms in the world. It puts claimants at the centre of the insurance process,” David Clark said. “The fault with the previous system was claims over the EQC cap were first assessed by EQC, then a private insurer. This resulted in delays, conflicting scopes of work and added stress for homeowners. “The report of the Public Inquiry into the Earthquake Commission made a number of recommendations for EQC and private insurers to facilitate a better insurance experience for people following a natural disaster. This model directly responds to 24 of the Inquiry’s 69 recommendations,” David Clark said. Building on the model used after the Kaikōura earthquake in 2016, people will make just one claim to their private insurer for all aspects of their private and EQC cover. However, EQC retains its role co-ordinating the Government’s insurance response and recovery following a future natural disaster. “EQC will continue to drive its world-class $22m research programme into natural hazards and engineering, which underpins EQC’s ability to secure $7 billion of reinsurance and provide ongoing affordable house insurance for New Zealand homeowners,” David Clark said. “The Government’s response to the Public Inquiry is progressing well. I expect to introduce legislation to modernise the EQC Act at the end of this year, David Clark said. 


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