9月24日新闻秘书处消息,外交部长纳纳亚·马胡塔今天对新西兰出口管制制度进行独立审查的结果表示满意。该制度负责管制针对外国军队、警察部队或准军事部队出口货物。 报告由商业、创新和就业部前首席执行官David Smol编写,报告发现,虽然外交和贸易部根据立法要求管理了这些商品的出口,但该系统的设计和实施在几个方面都不符合当代形势。
我同意这些建议,并明确表示,MFAT 将实施这些建议。我期待着尽快改善出口管制制度。我还期望官员在明年初就有关立法改革的建议提出进一步建议”。
有关信息在 MFAT 网站上可获得。
24 September 2021,Report into Aotearoa New Zealand’s export controls system released
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta today welcomed the findings of an independent review into Aotearoa New Zealand’s export controls system, which regulates the export of goods to foreign militaries, police forces or paramilitaries.
Produced by David Smol, a former Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the report found that while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) has managed the export of these goods in line with legislative requirements, the design and implementation of the system falls short of contemporary best practice in several respects.
“The report concludes that while Aotearoa New Zealand’s export controls regime has been run in accordance with the legislation, it is now not fit – or resourced – for what is likely to be an increasingly challenging future,” says Nanaia Mahuta.
“Aotearoa New Zealand is proud of our adherence to international human rights standards and it’s important that this counter proliferation remains fit for purpose and continues to play a role in preventing human rights abuses.”
The independent review has allowed for a range of recommendations that will enable the system to be modernised to ensure it is consistent with best practice.
These recommendations include:
reviewing and refreshing the criteria for assessment,investing in more structured and comprehensive systems and processes,strengthening the decision-making framework strengthening record-keeping and evidencing of critical steps,enhancing the transparency and public confidence in the regime
extending proactive outreach and education
conducting regular independent reviews.
“I agree with the recommendations and have made my expectations clear that MFAT will implement these. I look forward to an improved export controls system as soon as possible. I would also expect further advice from officials, early next year, on recommendations relating to legislative reform.”
The review is now available on the MFAT website.
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