

新闻秘书处10月31日消息,新西兰人敬爱的前总督凯瑟琳·蒂扎德夫人在久病之后,于10 月 31日晚平静去世。如她所愿,她在家中家人的陪伴下去世。 对于她的离世新西兰的政要纷纷发文表示悲痛和向她的家人致以问候。


他们表示;”在目前情况下,不能也不会要求其他人与我们一道向她告别。但根据她的意愿希望私人火葬,因为她是一个科学家和一个好公民,所以这将会这样做。我们希望将来能安排一些方式公开纪念她。 我们感谢她所有的朋友,我们的大家庭,以及照顾她的人,特别是她的家庭医生,他们多年来一直支持和爱着她″。 新西兰总理也在第一时间发文悼念她。



31st October
Our beloved Cath has died peacefully tonight, 31st October, after a long illness: at home with family around her, as she wished.
She was a woman of amazing energy, intelligence and warmth. She had a long and distinguished life of public service. She was a mother, a grandmother, a great-grandmother; and a confidante, mentor and friend to many more. We will miss her more than we can ever say.
In the current circumstances we cannot  and would not ask others to  join us to farewell her. She had wanted a private cremation, and as she was both a scientist and a good citizen, so it will be.  We hope to arrange some way to honour her memory in public, in future.
We are grateful to all her  friends, and to our extended family, and to the carers, especially her GP, who have also supported and loved her over the years.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said today that she was deeply saddened by the death of Dame Catherine Tizard. She paid tribute to her long and distinguished life of service to New Zealand.
.“Dame Cath was a true trailblazer for women in public life,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“She took her first steps into governance on her local Play Centre Committee, while raising four children. She was elected to the Auckland City Council in 1971 and in 1983 became the first woman to be elected Mayor of Auckland.
. “On leaving that role, she became our 16th Governor-General and also the first woman to hold that office, from 1990 to 1996.
“As Governor-General she succeeded in making the office of Governor-General more accessible for New Zealanders,” Jacinda Ardern said.
Dame Cath was a member of the Order of New Zealand, and a Companion of the Queen’s Service Order, as well as holding four separate damehood
“These honours reflected her extraordinary life of public service,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“On ending her term as Governor-General, she continued her involvement with a large number of community and arts groups.
“In everything she did, she demonstrated her remarkable qualities of leadership and determination, combined with a down to earth approach and an irrepressible sense of humour.
“Our thoughts are with her family at this time,” Jacind Ardern said.


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