



新西兰外交部长纳纳亚马胡塔今天宣布,新西兰将向红十字国际委员会和联合国阿富汗难民机构提供300万纽币的人道主义援助。这些组织正在为阿富汗受危机影响的社区和那些在邻国寻求避难的人提供拯救生命的人道主义支持。 纳奈亚·马胡塔(Nanaia Mahuta)说:“阿富汗的人道主义状况非常糟糕,数百万人需要援助,几十万人因最近的冲突而流离失所–据报道,其中80是妇女和女孩。在阿富汗,红十字会目前的重点是保护平民和提供基本服务,包括紧急保健、水和卫生”。 “联合国难民机构正在向境内流离失所的阿富汗人提供一系列保护和援助支助。它还支持邻国的阿富汗难民。必须允许人道主义机构接触受影响人口”。“新西兰还呼吁所有各方尊重国际人道主义法,保护援助人员和平民不受伤害,并支持行动自由权”。 纳奈亚·马胡塔(Nanaia Mahuta)说:“我们还呼吁那些当权者确保妇女和女孩的权利和自由在这场人道主义危机恶化时得到保护”。

Aotearoa New Zealand provides humanitarian support for Afghanistan Aotearoa New Zealand is providing $3 million in humanitarian assistance to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations (UN) Refugee Agency in Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced today. These organisations are providing life-saving humanitarian support for crisis affected communities in Afghanistan, and those seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. “The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is dire, with millions in need of assistance and hundreds of thousands displaced by the recent conflict – 80% of whom are reported to be women and girls,” said Nanaia Mahuta. “In Afghanistan the Red Cross is currently focusing on protection of civilians and provision of essential services including emergency health care, water and sanitation. “The UN Refugee Agency is providing a range of protection and assistance support to internally displaced Afghans. It is also supporting Afghan refugees in neighbouring countries. “It is vital that humanitarian agencies are allowed access to affected populations. “Aotearoa New Zealand also calls on all parties to respect international humanitarian law, protect aid workers and civilians from harm, and support the right to freedom of movement. “We also call on those in positions of power to ensure the rights and freedoms of women and girls are protected as this humanitarian crisis deteriorates,” said Nanaia Mahuta. 


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