
2021年8月5日中午新西兰总理杰辛达.阿德恩和住房部长将在克赖斯特彻奇等在95 Edinburgh Street, Spreydon, Christchurch.举行新闻发布会。

总理雅辛达·阿德恩和住房部长将在克赖斯特彻奇新建公共住房的同时,建造8000多个新的公共住房,这将是新增8,000个公共房屋名额,成为政府的重要里程碑。 会上新西兰总理杰辛达·阿尔登(Jacinda Ardern)说:”根据政府公共住房计划,新西兰人现在有8000个温暖干燥的公共住房场所可以称之为家。在目前得到公共住房支持的74,337户家庭中,有6,000多户(6,503户)居住在自2017年11月以来在本届政府领导下建造的全新的公共住房中。 我们相信,每个新西兰人都应该住在一个温暖干燥的家里,国家在帮助实现这一目标方面发挥作用。我们承诺到2024年增加18,000多个公共和过渡性住房,这已经步入正轨”。 住房部长梅根·伍兹在基督城斯普雷登新建的六套一居室住宅的开幕仪式上说:″再提供8000多个公共住房名额是值得庆祝的一个重要里程碑。在2017年11月至2021年6月30日之间,Kéinga Ora和社区住房提供者增加了8,121个公共住房名额,使公共住房名额总数达到74,337个”。 部长说:″在此期间,Kéinga Ora 和社区住房提供商一起交付了 6,503 套新建住房,有时还更换了已通过使用日期的旧房屋,并允许在同一地点建造更多住房。在上届国民政府采取放手措施后,我们继承了一场住房危机。我们重建了公共部门规划和建造新住房的能力,并为社区住房提供者 (CHP) 提供了两倍多的资金,以提供更多的住房,因为我们都在共同努力解决这一问题。令人发指的危机。我已对Kéinga Ora和卫生防护中心部门提出了一个期望,即尽可能多的公共住房场所应该是新的建筑。虽然如果他们需要提供紧急住房,这并不总是可能的,但我们在增加新库存方面已取得长足进展:在上个财政年度交付的Kéinga Ora新增住房(公共和受支持)中,约有87是新建住房,而2010/11年度的全国住房数量仅为24。我们的公共住房方案是向人们提供租金补贴和居住地,并允许通过基础设施投资建造更多的新住房,并在拆除不再适合目的的旧住房后加强住房建设。 我们看到,在截至2021年6月的一年里,住房行业的建筑活动大幅增长,新房开工量达到44,299套的历史最高水平。建造新住房不仅意味着人们拥有温暖、健康、新住房,而且建筑部门也得到了支持,包括通过劳动力发展:自 2017 年以来,建筑和建筑行业的学徒人数几乎翻了一番,达到 23,000 人。 部长说:”我们的住房计划正在帮助新西兰人,帮助我们从COVID-19的经济影响中恢复过来”。  自 2017 年 11 月以来交付的其他公共住房名额 – 8,121个自2017年11月以来交付的其他过渡性住房–2,714个这使我们在2024年18350个名额的目标下,总共增加了10 835个公共和过渡性住房。  Kéinga Ora 在规划、可行性和采购阶段又新建了 7,000 座建筑,未来 12 个月将承包和施工 3,000 多座。在本届政府执政期间,社区住房提供者的资金增加了两倍多:从2016/17年的9500万纽币到2020/21年的3.61亿纽币。 建筑和建筑行业的学徒:2021年5月为23,030名学徒,而2017年5月为12,560名。请注意,2020年7月推出的定向培训和学徒基金(TTAF)促进了建筑和建筑资格学徒人数的强劲增长,其中11630名学徒受益于学徒提升,自2020年8月以来向雇主支付现金,帮助他们留住和接受新的学徒。 

At noon on August 5, 2021, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the Minister of Housing will hold a press conference at 95 Edinburgh Street, Spreydon, Christchurch.8,000 additional public housing places delivered in major Government milestone New Zealanders now have an extra 8,000 warm, dry public housing places to call home, under a Government public housing programme that is full steam ahead, says Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.“Of the 74,337 households now being supported in public housing places, more than six thousand (6,503) are living in brand new public homes built since November 2017 under this Government.“We believe every New Zealander deserves to live in a warm, dry home and that the state has a role in helping make that happen. We have committed to adding over 18,000 public and transitional housing places by 2024 and this is well on track,” Jacinda Ardern said.The Housing Minister Megan Woods said at the opening of six newly built one-bedroom state homes in Spreydon, Christchurch, that delivering over 8,000 additional public housing places is a great milestone to celebrate.“Between November 2017 and 30 June 2021, 8,121 public housing places have been added by Kāinga Ora and Community Housing Providers, taking total public housing places to 74,337,” Megan Woods said.“Together, Kāinga Ora and Community Housing Providers delivered 6,503 newly built homes over this period, sometimes replacing old houses that had passed their use-by-date and allowing a greater number of homes on the same site.“We inherited a housing crisis following a hands-off approach from the last National Government, which had a mass state housing sell-off, ending up with a net 1,500 fewer public housing places.“We have rebuilt the public sector’s ability to plan and build new housing and have also more than tripled the amount of funding for Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to deliver more housing, as we all work together to resolve this housing crisis.“I have set an expectation for both Kāinga Ora and the CHP sector that as many of the public housing places as possible, should be new builds.“While this isn’t always possible if they need to provide urgent housing, we have made great strides in adding new stock; about 87% of Kāinga Ora’s additional housing places (public and supported) delivered in the last financial year were new builds, from a low under National of just 24% in 2010/11.“Our public housing programme is supporting people with rent subsidies and places to live, as well as enabling more new homes to be built with infrastructure investment, and intensification of housing following the demolition of old housing that is no longer fit for purpose.“We are seeing massive growth in construction activity in the housing sector, with new home consents at an all-time high of 44,299, in the year ended June 2021.“Building new housing not only means people have warm, healthy, new homes, but the construction sector is also supported, including through workforce development; apprenticeships in the building and construction sector have nearly doubled since 2017 to 23,000 apprenticeships.“Our housing programme is helping New Zealanders and our recovery from the economic impacts of COVID-19,” Megan Woods said. Additional public housing places delivered since November 2017 –  8,121·       Additional transitional housing places delivered since November 2017 – 2,714·       This brings us to a total of 10,835 additional public and transitional housing places we have delivered under our 2024 target of 18,350 places.·       Kāinga Ora has another 7,000 more new builds in the planning, feasibility, and procurement stages, with over 3,000 to be contracted and construction starting in the next 12 months.·       Funding for Community Housing Providers (CHPs) has more than tripled under this Government; from $95 million in 2016/17 to $361 million in 2020/21.·       Apprentices in the building and construction sector: 23,030 apprentices in May 2021, compared to 12,560 in May 2017. Note, the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) introduced in July 2020 has contributed to strong growth in the number of apprentices in building and construction qualifications with 11,630 of these apprentices benefitting from the Apprenticeship Boost, a cash payment since August 2020 to employers to help them keep and take on new apprentices.


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