新西兰财政部消息今天,首次工资补贴计划的申请将于周四结束,下一次每两周一次的支付申请将于周五上午开始。 内阁决定,8月31日星期二晚上11时59分,奥克兰边界以南的新西兰全境将进入警戒3级。北国将于9月2日星期四进入3级警戒(测试结果为阴性),奥克兰将维持在警戒4级,直至9月13日。 财政部长格兰特·罗伯逊说:”与去年3月实施的计划不同,这项工资补贴计划要求企业每两周重新申请一次工资。2021 年 8 月首次工资补贴付款申请于 9 月 2 日星期四晚上 11 点 59 分结束。第二笔为期两周的付款申请将于9月3日星期五上午9时开始。标准与初始申请相同。企业和自营职业者必须在 MSD 网站上填写申请表,同意新的申报,并符合所有资格标准。 工资补贴计划的核心设置保持不变。卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:无论符合条件的企业在新西兰的任何地方,都可以享受相同的支付费率、两周的一次性付款,以及收入下降40的必要性。
收入测试期将从 2021 年 8 月首次工资补贴付款的期限提前两周,但比较期将保持不变。第二次付款的收入测试期为2021年8月31日至9月13日连续14天。 卡梅尔·塞普洛尼说:”我们再次鼓励雇主和自营职业者确保他们提供的信息的准确性,因为如果处理不正确,将推迟处理。企业还可酌情申请休假支助计划和短期缺勤付款,以及复兴支助付款,这是税务局为帮助支付固定费用而管理的一次性付款″。 有关 COVID-19 业务支持措施的更多信息,包括完整的资格标准: https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/covid-19/index.htmlhttps://www.ird.govt.nz/covid-19/business-and-organisations/employing-staff/financial-support/resurgence-support-payment
Application details for the Wage Subsidy this week Ministry of Finance news today,Applications for the initial Wage Subsidy scheme in this outbreak close on Thursday, and applications for the next fortnightly payment will begin on Friday morning. Cabinet decided that all of New Zealand south of the Auckland boundary would move to Alert Level 3 at 11.59pm on Tuesday 31 August. Northland will move to Alert Level 3 on Thursday 2 September (subject to negative test results), and Auckland will remain at Alert Level 4 until 13 September. “Unlike the scheme that operated in March last year, this Wage Subsidy scheme requires businesses to reapply for each fortnightly payment,” Minister of FinanceGrant Robertson said. “Applications for the first Wage Subsidy August 2021 payment close at 11.59pm on Thursday 2 September. The application process for the second two-week payment will commence from 9am on Friday 3 September. The criteria will be the same as for the initial application. Businesses and self-employed people must fill out the application form on the MSD website, agree to a new declaration and meet all eligibility criteria. “The core settings of the Wage Subsidy Scheme remain the same. It is available to eligible businesses wherever they are in New Zealand on the same payment rates, two-week lump sum payments, and the need to show a 40 percent decline in revenue,” Carmel Sepuloni said. “The revenue test period will move forward two weeks from the period used for the first Wage Subsidy August 2021 payment, but the comparator period will remain the same. The revenue test period for a second payment will be the 14 consecutive days from 31 August to 13 September 2021.” “We are encouraging employers and those self-employed once again to ensure the accuracy of the information they provide, as that will delay processing if it isn’t correct,” Carmel Sepuloni said. Businesses can also apply for the Leave Support Scheme and Short-Term Absence Payment as appropriate, as well as the Resurgence Support Payment, which is a one-off payment administered by Inland Revenue to help meet fixed costs. For more information on COVID-19 business support measures, including full eligibility criteria: https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/covid-19/index.htmlhttps://www.ird.govt.nz/covid-19/business-and-organisations/employing-staff/financial-support/resurgence-support-payment
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