




10月8日卫生部消息,毛利人 Covid-19 疫苗接种记录日,卫生部副部长(毛利人卫生部)Peeni Henare 宣布,昨天为毛利人接种了超过10,000 剂Covid-19 疫苗,这是迄今为止疫苗接种活动中的最高数量。

昨天在整个岛中施用了 10,145 剂。这几乎相当于哈韦拉的人口。剂量由 4,010 次第一剂和 6,135 次第二剂组成。在过去三周内,毛利人第一次接种的剂量增加了近 20%。

部副部长Peeni Henare 说:“毛利人疫苗接种运动现在有了真正的动力。就在全国各地,毛利人正在卷起袖子接种疫苗,以保护他们的家庭和社区” 。 Peeni Henare 说:″我们的 kaumātua 处于领先地位,65 岁及以上的人中有 91% 已经接种了第一剂疫苗,81% 的人已完全接种疫苗。我知道我们的长辈现在也鼓励我们接种疫苗。 我们还看到奥克兰的人数大幅增加,65.3% 的毛利人接受了第一剂注射,高于三周前的 52.8%。” 旨在提高毛利人疫苗接种率的举措示例包括由毛利人为毛利人接送到蒂阿拉瓦湖诊所。它由 Korowai Aroha、Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao、Western Heights 健康中心、Manaaki Ora、Te Roopu Hauora o Te Arawa 建立,并得到了湖区卫生局的支持。工作人员了解他们社区的担忧,并且非常愿意花时间讨论问题并提供他们需要的信息。


Peeni Henare说:“要提高我们的疫苗接种率,还有很多工作要做,但在整个过程中,我看到毛利人的卫生服务提供者、 和当地社区正在努力提高我们的疫苗接种率”。

8 October 2021 ,
 Record day for Māori Covid-19 vaccinations
More than 10,000 Covid-19 vaccinations were administered to Māori yesterday, the highest number in the vaccine campaign so far, Associate Minister of Health (Maori Health) Peeni Henare announced.
There were 10,145 doses administered across the motu yesterday. This is almost equivalent to the population of Hāwera. The doses are made up of 4,010 first doses and 6,135 second doses. The number of first doses administered to Māori increased by just under 20 per cent in the past three weeks.
“There is now real momentum in the Māori vaccination campaign. Right across the country, Māori are rolling up their sleeves to get vaccinated to protect their whānau and community,” Peeni Henare said.
“Our kaumātua are leading the way, with 91 per cent of those aged 65 and over having had their first dose and 81 per cent fully vaccinated. And I know our elders are now encouraging our rangatahi to get vaccinated too.
“We’re also seeing big increases in Tāmaki Makaurau, with 65.3 per cent of Māori having had their first dose, that’s up from 52.8 per cent three weeks ago.”
Examples of initiatives targeted at increasing Māori vaccination rates include the by Māori for Māori Te Arawa Lakes drive through clinic. It has been set up by Korowai Aroha, Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao, Western Heights Health Centre, Manaaki Ora, Te Roopu Hauora o Te Arawa with support from Lakes DHB. The staff understand their communities concerns and are more than willing to take the time to discuss questions and provide the information they require.
During a road trip around the motu, Minister Henare has heard from Māori vaccinators and volunteers at the drive through clinic who say they are using whakapapa to connect to whānau, putting them at ease and offering a hangi once they are finished topped off the experience.
“There is still a lot more to do to get our vaccine rates up, but across the motu I am seeing Māori health providers, iwi and local communities doing the work to increase our vaccination rates,” Peeni Henare said.


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