



卫生部长安德鲁·利特尔(Andrew Little)今天宣布,由于目前三角洲爆发疫情,政府提出了一项100万纽币的基金,用于社区主导的项目,以支持奥克兰和北国的年轻人心理健康。安德鲁·利特尔说:”我们从以往的封锁中了解到,这些封锁对年轻人来说尤其具有挑战性,对奥特罗亚年轻人的最大支持需求大约在两周后就会开始。当脱离正常的学习环境时,他们可能会经历更高水平的苦恼,并且可能处于包括临时住房和就业在内的情况。这就是为什么我们迅速采取行动,为社区主导的倡议提供资金,这些倡议侧重于在青年最需要的时候支持心理复原力和福祉。心理健康是政府应对科维德问题的重要组成部分,对于为新西兰的美好未来奠定基础至关重要。青年心理健康基金是针对基层的举措,我们将优先考虑包括关注奥克兰和北国年轻人在内的举措。投资于这些社区主导的举措意味着支持是针对需要的人量身定做的,服务很容易获得,而且可以尽快获得”。安德鲁·利特尔说:”基金申请将于明天开放,我们预计在未来几周内公布资金”。 

青年心理健康基金是一个100万纽币的基层倡议基金,类似于现有的毛利人和太平洋社区预防自杀基金。赠款将根据倡议提供50 000纽币或100000纽币。·      申请从8月30日星期一开始开放,将于9月6日星期一结束。申请信息可在卫生部网站上查阅。·      这笔赠款将征求小型社区心理健康提供者的建议,这些提供者还可以证明拟议的服务将如何与在心理健康和福祉方面经历不平等的青年群体接触并解决其需求,包括但不限于:

o 兰加塔希毛利

o 太平洋青年;

o 彩虹青年:

o 难民或移民青年;和

o 已知在已知有不平等的地理区域内的其他群体。

 Govt delivers early funding for youth mental health

 Due to the current Delta outbreak the Government has brought forward a $1 million fund aimed at community-led projects to support youth mental health in Auckland and Northland, Health Minister Andrew Little announced today.“We have learned from previous lockdowns that they are particularly challenging for young people and that the greatest need for support for young people in Aoteroa kicks in around two weeks in,” Andrew Little said.“They can experience higher levels of distress when taken out of normal learning environments and may be in a situations that include transient housing and employment.“This is why we have moved quickly to make funding available for community-led initiatives that focus on supporting mental resilience and wellbeing when youth need it most. Mental health is an important part of the Government’s response to Covid and vital in laying the foundations for a better future for New Zealand.“The Youth Mental Wellbeing Fund is for grassroots initiatives and we’ll be prioritising initiatives that include a focus on young people in Auckland and Northland.“Investing in these community-led initiatives means support is tailored to the people that need it, that services are easily accessed and they are available as soon as possible.“Applications for the Fund open tomorrow and we expect to release the funding within the coming weeks,” Andrew Little said. ·       

The Youth Mental Wellbeing Fund is a $1 million fund for grassroots initiatives, similar to the existing Māori and Pacific Community Suicide Prevention Funds. Grants will be made of $50,000 or $100,000, depending on the initiative.·       Applications are open from Monday 30 August and will close on Monday 6 September. Application information is available on the Ministry of Health website.·       This grant will seek proposals from small community-based mental wellbeing providers who can also demonstrate how the proposed services will engage with and address the needs of groups of young people who experience inequities in mental health and well-being, including but not limited to:

o   Rangatahi Māorio   Pacific Young People;

o   Rainbow Young People;

o   Young People who are Refugees or Migrants; and

o   Other groups within the geographic area known to experience inequities. 


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