
佩尼·赫纳雷说:”通过与我们的合作伙伴合作,特别是澳大利亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国,我们非常感激他们,我们能够将这些新西兰人安全带回家。他们前往安全地带的漫长旅程已接近尾声,我只能想象,一旦他们完成了管理隔离和隔离,他们就会感到与奥特亚罗亚的亲人团聚时感到宽慰和喜悦。 在新西兰和中东,多个政府机构和数百名人员参与了撤离持有签证的新西兰人和阿富汗国民进入该国的努力。新西兰国防军C-130已部署到该地区,与我们的伙伴一起协助撤离工作。 外交和贸易部(MFAT)一直在向200多名新西兰人在阿富汗提供领事支助,帮助他们在危险和危险的条件下登机。我们在喀布尔地面和机场协助个人的能力有限,但我们的新西兰国防军(NZDF)人员与我们的伙伴一起工作,这帮助了我们。进入喀布尔机场极其困难,从各省进入喀布尔几乎是不可能的”。 佩尼·赫纳雷还说:”新西兰政府还要感谢美国帮助确保新西兰人进入喀布尔机场,感谢新西兰航空公司在协助新西兰人从澳大利亚回国方面给予的支持。MFAT已处理了希望得到援助离开该国的阿富汗国民的询问。该部一直在与新西兰移民部紧急合作,为新西兰政府认定与新西兰国防军、新西兰警察和援助特派团合作或在伯纳姆行动调查中提供物质援助的人发放签证″。
First New Zealanders returned from Afghanistan The first group of New Zealand citizens, their families and other visa holders evacuated from Afghanistan will arrive in New Zealand this afternoon, Defence Minister Peeni Henare announced today. “By working alongside our partners, particularly Australia and the United Arab Emirates to whom we are very grateful, we’re able to bring these New Zealanders safely home,” Peeni Henare said. “Their long journey to safety is nearly over, and I can only imagine the relief and joy they feel at being reunited with loved ones here in Aotearoa, once they have completed Managed Isolation and Quarantine.” The effort to evacuate New Zealanders and Afghan nationals who hold visas to enter the country has involved multiple government agencies and hundreds of personnel both in New Zealand and in the Middle East. A New Zealand Defence Force C-130 has been deployed into the region to help in the evacuation efforts alongside our partners. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) has been providing consular support to more than 200 New Zealanders in Afghanistan to help them onto flights in dangerous and perilous conditions. “Our ability to assist individuals on the ground and at the airport in Kabul is limited but has been helped by the presence of our New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) personnel working alongside our partners. Access into Kabul airport is extremely difficult and travel into Kabul from the provinces is almost impossible,” Peeni Henare said. “The New Zealand Government would also like to thank the US for helping to secure an entry for New Zealanders at Kabul airport, and Air New Zealand for its support in assisting to bring New Zealanders home from Australia,” Peeni Henare said. MFAT has managed enquiries from Afghan nationals wanting assistance to leave the country. The Ministry has been working urgently with Immigration New Zealand to secure visas for those whom the New Zealand Government has determined as working alongside NZDF, New Zealand Police and aid missions, or materially assisted in the Operation Burnham inquiry.
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