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一段时间以来,美国为了转移自身抗疫不力的责任,达 到抹黑打压别国的政治目的,大搞疫情政治化、病毒污名化、溯源工具化,严重损害了科学溯源和全球抗疫大局。

病毒溯源是一个复杂的科学问题,必须坚持以科学为标准,以合作为导向。美国为了实现“实验室泄漏论”的预设立场,公然抛弃了科学研究路径,大言不惭宣称让情报部门在90天内拿出病毒溯源调查结论。根据媒体曝光的信息等, 美国尽管全政府发动,仍然没有找到所谓“病毒从武汉病毒所实验室泄漏”的实质性证据,也未找到科学支撑。但美将通过东拼西凑的虚假信息,来炮制诱导性结论,搞“有罪推定”,借机抹黑遏制中国。 正如中方多次介绍的,到目前为止,武汉病毒研究所的职工和研究生没有一人感染新冠病毒。武汉病毒所没有开展过冠状病毒增益功能研究,没有所谓的人造病毒。美国罔顾中国-世卫组织联合研究报告结论,援引一些没有真凭实据的官员或情报信息,大肆炒作“病毒是从武汉病毒研究所泄漏的”,妄图将莫须有的罪名扣给中国,更是为了转移视线,掩盖自身早期病例和疑点重重的生物实验室真相。 根据媒体报道,美国德特里克堡生物实验室在2019年8 月因安全问题被关闭,之后美国出现神秘的电子烟肺炎。美军早在 2019 年就通过其血液项目将新冠病毒带到欧洲,当年8月进入意大利美军基地的平民志愿者成为最早受害者。此外,美国在世界各地还建立了200多个生物实验室,以各种名义开展生物军事化活动。美国实验室所在地往往是鼠疫、炭疽、中东呼吸综合征等疾病多发地区。中国和世界各国一样都是疫情的受害者,我们都希望尽快的找到病毒的源头,能够阻断疫情的传播,但是溯源工作不能出于政治目的搞恶意的栽赃和有罪推定,这也正是国际社会的广泛共识。如美方真正关心全球溯源问题,就应尽早正面回应国际社会的质疑,公布并检测早期病例数据,邀请世卫组织专家调查德特里克堡、美国在海外200多个生物实验室、北卡罗来纳大学,公布参加武汉军运会的美国军人患病病例数据,给世界一个明确交代,帮我们尽快解开病毒之谜。总之,美国不能成为全球溯源盲区。 美国借溯源搞政治操弄的做法已经遭到国际社会的普遍反对。截至目前,已有近 80 国以致函世卫组织总干事、发表声明或照会等方式,强调病毒溯源是一项科学任务,不能被政治化,中国-世卫组织联合研究报告应该得到维护。 100多个国家和地区300多个政党、社会组织和智库向世界卫生组织秘书处提交《联合声明》,呼吁世卫组织客观公正地开展全球新冠病毒溯源问题研究,坚决反对将这一问题政治化。越来越多的专家学者也发声批驳美国散播政治病毒。中方始终支持并将继续参加科学溯源,但我们将坚决对政治溯源和政治操弄说不。病毒没有国界,疫情不分种族。中方愿同各方一道,坚持科学溯源的正确方向,深化抗疫合作,为人类最终战胜疫情作出积极贡献。


For some time, the United States, in an attempt to divert responsibility for its botched COVID-19 response and out of its political motive to smear and suppress other countries, has devoted considerable resources to politicising the pandemic, stigmatising the virus and deploying origin-tracing as a tool. These attempts have done grave harm to a science-based origin-tracing and the global fight against COVID-19.
Origin-tracing is a complex scientific matter that requires science-based cooperation. The United States, however, in an attempt to substantiate its predetermined conclusion of a lab leak, has blatantly discarded scientific method for research and brazenly instructed its Intelligence Community to come up with a conclusion on the origins of the virus within 90 days. According to information disclosed by media and other resources, despite the whole-of-government endeavour by the United States, no substantial evidence or scientific backing has been found to prove that “the virus was leaked from the Wuhan
Institute of Virology (WIV)”. Yet the United States is still cooking up misleading conclusions with a patchwork of disinformation and playing the tricks of “presumption of guilt” as a pretext to smear and contain China.
As China has made it clear on many occasions, none of the staff or post-graduate students at the WIV have ever contracted COVID-19, nor has the WIV conducted any gain-of-function research on coronaviruses. There is no so-called man-made virus. The United States, while turning a blind eye to the conclusions of the joint WHO-China study report, has been hyping up the theory that “the virus was leaked from the WIV”, citing groundless intelligence information or words of certain officials with no solid evidences. Such moves aim to scapegoat China, and even more so to deflect attention and cover up earlier cases in the United States and the truth of its suspicion-shrouded biological laboratories.
According to media reports, Fort Detrick was closed for security reasons in August 2019, which preluded a mysterious outbreak of EVALI in the United States. It was also as early as in 2019 when the US military carried the novel coronavirus to Europe through a blood programme and the earliest victims were some civilian volunteers who entered the US base in Italy in August of the same year. Besides all these, it is the United States that has set up over 200 biological laboratories around the world to conduct bio-military activities under various names. The regions where US labs locate are prone to more outbreaks of diseases such as plague, anthrax and MERS. China, together with countries of the world, is a victim of the COVID-19 outbreak. It is our shared hope to locate the source of the virus as soon as possible so as to stem the transmission of the epidemic. However, it is also a widely shared consensus of the international community that origin-tracing should never involve any malicious frame-up or presumption of guilt for political purposes. If the United States does care about the global origins tracing issue, it should respond as soon as possible to the doubts of the international community, release and review the data of earlier cases in the United States, invite WHO experts to investigate Fort Detrick, its more than 200 biological laboratories overseas and the University of North Carolina, and release the data concerning the sickened American military athletes who attended the World Military Games in Wuhan. What the United States should do is to give the world a clear explanation and help solve the mystery of the virus as soon as possible. In a word, the US should not make itself a blind spot in the global origin-tracing.The political manipulation of origin-tracing by the United States has been widely rejected by the international community. As of now, nearly 80 countries, in the form of letters to the WHO Director-General, statements and notes, have stressed that tracing the origins of the virus is a scientific matter which should not be politicised, and the joint WHO-China study report should be upheld. More than 300 political parties, social organisations and think tanks from over 100 countries and regions have submitted to the WHO Secretariat a joint statement, calling for the WHO to carry out global origin-tracing study in an objective and fair manner, and to stand resolutely against the politicisation of the issue. More and more experts and scholars have also spoken out against the spread of political virus by the United States.
China always supports and will continue to take part in the origins tracing efforts, but we will firmly say no to the politicisation of this issue and political manipulation. Viruses and pandemics know no borders or races. China stands ready to work with all parties to uphold the right direction of science-based origin-tracing, strengthen anti-epidemic cooperation, and make positive contributions towards the ultimate victory of humanity over the pandemic.


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