



波托·威廉姆斯说:”作为警察部长,我致力于确保警察拥有保护自己和社区安全所需的人力、资源和立法。这就是为什么我们提供这笔资金来加速新的战术反应模式,以增加前线工作人员的培训和能力。我们的警察超越了预期会保护我们社区安全的范围。我希望他们每个人都能安全回家。本届政府对警察的创纪录投资,使警员比以往任何时候都多,以对付帮派和有组织犯罪。战术响应模型是保护我们军官安全的进一步工具,因此它们反过来又可以保护我们的社区安全。战术反应模型是与前线工作人员一起开发的,并与广泛的社区伙伴进行了协商。 这是我们的警察人员所要求的,并将帮助我们社区达到预期的安全水平”。

·      警察人数比上届政府执政时都多,超过14,000人。

·      本届政府有望在2023年6月前增派1800名警员。

·      仅在四年内,警方就从帮派和犯罪分子手中缴获了5亿多纽币的现金和资产。从非法经济中取出16 亿纽币。


3 November,Next steps for frontline safety rollout
  Following positive feedback from a four-week consultation on Police’s Tactical Response Model, Police Minister Poto Williams has welcomed the next steps of trials in Northland, Counties Manukau, Waikato, and Central districts.
Police held more than 570 engagement sessions in communities across the country with iwi, Pacific, and ethnic communities, as well all other agencies. The feedback was positive and no changes have been made to the Tactical Response Model prior to its rollout.
In September the Government announced $15 million of new funding for the new Tactical Response Model, the expansion of the Frontline Skills Enhancement Course, and an additional 78 constabulary staff and 28 intelligence analysts.
“As Police Minister, I am committed to ensuring Police have the people, resources, and legislation they need to keep themselves and our communities safe,” said Poto Williams.
“That’s why we provided this funding to accelerate the new Tactical Response Model, to increase the training and capability of frontline staff.
“Our Police go above and beyond what is expected to keep our communities safe. I want each and every one of them to get home safely to their whānau at the end of the day. This Government’s record investment in Police has seen more officers than ever before tackling gangs and organised crime. The Tactical Response Model is a further tool to keep our officers safe, so they in turn can keep our communities safe.
“The Tactical Response Model has been developed alongside frontline staff and has been consulted on with a wide range of community partners.  It is something our Police staff have asked for and will help deliver the levels of safety our communities expect. 
“I am looking forward to seeing how it works in practice on the frontline,” Poto Williams said.

Police achievements:
·       The Government’s record investment in Police has resulted in 2,695 new police officers on the frontline
·       The Police workforce is larger than it has ever been under any previous government, surpassing 14,000
·       This Government is on track to deliver 1800 extra constables by June 2023
·       Police have seized over $500m in cash and assets from gangs and criminals in four years alone. Translated – that’s the equivalent of $1.6 billion removed from the illicit economy.
·       Operation Tauwhiro, our crackdown on gangs and organised crime, has resulted in 1091 firearms seized, $5.5 million in cash seized, and 940 people have been arrested in relation to firearms offences.


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