警察部长波托·威廉斯和警察局长安德鲁·科斯特今天上午10点30分,在惠灵顿新西兰皇家警察学院就前线安全问题发表重要声明。 为保护我们警察的安全,保护我们的社区安全,政府致力保障前线警务人员的安全,使他们能保障新西兰人的安全,这是警务部长波托·威廉斯今天在警察学院宣布将投资4500万纽币以确保前线警务人员安全。

警务部长波托·威廉姆斯说:″4500万纽币的投资包括为新的战术反应模式提供1549.6万纽币的资金,扩大前线技能增强课程,以及增加78名警察工作人员和28名情报分析员。警察是一线工作者,他们却超越了一线的工作,是为了确保我们的社区安全。我希望每一个警察在一天结束的时候都能安全回家”。 “虽然我们可以问候和安慰每一个在执勤时受重伤的警官,但这不是我希望见到的。改善前线安全才是我们坚定致力的首要任务,我们会继续为此而共同努力,我们欠我们的警官们一个安全。
政府致力于确保警察拥有保护自己和社区安全所需的资源。因此,我们必须立即提供资金支持,以加速警方新的战术反应模式,增加前线人员的训练和能力。 我想说清楚,新的战术反应模式不是武装反应小组。这些警察将穿标准警服,驾驶标准警车,在日常执勤时不会配备武器。他们将支持前线调查和预防小组,并将重点打击高风险罪犯、枪支、甲基安非他明和有组织犯罪集团”警务部长波托·威廉姆斯说。 警方已与前线人员及广泛的社区伙伴磋商,以发展新的应变模式。专员今天将公布进一步的细节,并开放为期一个月的接触期,听取工作人员和社区的意见,并计划在全国推出之前作出各方改进。 “我们永远无法消除维持治安的风险。但是,这笔资金将大大帮助确保我们的官员在工作中做好准备和最大的支持″部长波托·威廉姆斯说。
o 将目前对前线工作人员的战术培训增加一倍以上,从每年 3.5% 天增加到 7.5%天。
o 具有高级战术训练(AOS 级别)的战术预防团队,负责执行授权书和其他涉及中等风险的工作,除非需要具体部署,否则这些团队通常不配备武器。
o 战术狗队将与另一名受过 AOS 级别培训的工作人员进行双重训练 – 提高处理人员的安全性,并增强支持重大事故的先进战术能力。
o 新的以情报为主导的基于风险的部署框架,通过全面的风险评估和主动的罪犯管理,将战术能力整体地结合起来,指导部署。
22 September 2021,The Government is committed to keeping our frontline police officers safe, so they in turn can keep New Zealanders safe – with one of the largest investments in frontline safety announced by Police Minister Poto Williams at the Police College today.
The $45 million investment includes $15.496 million in new funding for a new Tactical Response Model, the expansion of the Frontline Skills Enhancement Course, and an additional 78 constabulary staff and 28 intelligence analysts.
“Police are frontline workers who go above and beyond to keep our communities safe. I want every single Police officer to get home safely to their family at the end of the day,” said Poto Williams.
“I try to call every officer that gets seriously injured on duty. But these are not calls I want to have to make. Improving frontline safety is something the Commissioner and I are both resolutely committed to – and we will continue to work together on this. We owe this to our officers.
“The Government is committed to ensuring Police have the resources they need to keep themselves and our communities safe. That’s why we are providing immediate funding to accelerate Police’s new Tactical Response Model that will increase the training and capability of frontline staff.
“I want to be clear – the new Tactical Response Model is not Armed Response Teams. These officers will wear standard police uniforms, drive standard police vehicles, and will not be armed in their day-to-day duties. They will support frontline investigation and prevention teams and will focus on high–risk offenders, firearms, methamphetamine, and organised crime groups,” said Poto Williams.
Police has consulted with frontline staff and a wide range of community partners in developing the new response model. The Commissioner will today release further detail and open a month-long engagement period to listen to staff and communities and make any refinements ahead of a planned national roll-out.
“We can never eliminate the risk from policing. But this funding will go a long way to ensuring our officers are prepared and supported in their work,” Poto Williams said.
Tactical Response Model:
o More than doubling the current tactical training to frontline staff from 3.5 to 7.5 days per year.
o Tactical Prevention Teams with advanced tactical training (AOS-level) to undertake warrants and other work involving moderate risk, who are generally unarmed unless specific deployment requires.
o Tactical Dog Teams to be double crewed with another staff member trained to AOS level – increasing safety for handlers and also enabling an advanced tactical capability to support critical incidents.
o A new intelligence-led risk-based deployment framework to bring tactical capability together holistically and guide deployment through comprehensive risk assessments and proactive offender management.
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