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在过去12个月中,妇女占警察学院毕业生的44%,是有史以来达到的最高比率。在同一时期,毛利人占毕业生总数的23%,帕西菲卡占12%,亚洲占15%,占这一时期毕业生总数的一半。 我国政府对警察部门创纪录的投资推动了警队的壮大,目前是有史以来最大的警察队伍,自 2017 年 7 月以来,已有 2,777 名新兵毕业,警员总数目前为10,050人,高于2017年7月的8,839人。 我还要感谢我们的警官在COVID-19应对中所起的作用,从设置检查站,到保证访问,到合规检查。向我们的军官致谢!上周,我们宣布拨款4500万纽币,加速警方新的战术反应模式,以增加前线人员的培训和能力,进一步履行我们的承诺,保证我们的警察的安全,使他们能够保护我们的社区安全。作为警察部长,我希望确保警察拥有做好工作所需的人力、资源和立法”波托·威廉姆斯说。 新警员将于十月十一日(星期一)开始在辖区的前线工作。
30 September 2021,Police Minister congratulates new officers
The Government is one step closer to achieving 1800 extra constables by June 2023 with the graduation of 39 new officers from Wing 346 today, Police Minister Poto Williams says.
“Police have been at the forefront of our COVID-19 response, while also working hard across the country to keep our communities safe and I would like to congratulate Wing 346 on joining this vital public service at this exceptional time,” Poto Williams said.
“It is particularly heartening to see over 50 per cent of today’s graduates are women, demonstrating Police’s commitment to reflecting the communities they serve.
“In the last 12 months, women made up 44 per cent of all graduates from the Police College – the highest rates ever achieved. In the same period, Māori represented 23 per cent of graduates, Pacifika 12 per cent, and Asian 15 per cent – making up half of the total graduates in this period.
“Our Government’s record investment in the Police service has driven its growth and it is now the largest police workforce ever, with 2,777 recruits having graduated since July 2017, including this wing. The total number of police officers now stands at 10,050, up from 8,839 in July 2017.
“I also want to acknowledge our Police officers for their role in the COVID-19 response, from manning checkpoints, to reassurance visits, to compliance checks. To our officers – thank you.
“Last week we announced $45 million to accelerate Police’s new Tactical Response Model to increase the training and capability of frontline staff, furthering our commitment to keeping our police safe so they can keep our communities safe. As Police Minister, I want to ensure Police have the people, resources, and legislation they need to do their job,” Poto Williams said.
The new constables will start work on the frontline in their districts on Monday 11 October.
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