2021年7月19日新西兰新闻秘书处消息,COVID-19应对部长克里斯·希普金斯说,辉瑞疫苗迄今最大的一批疫苗已提前两天运抵新西兰,剂量已运送到全国各地的疫苗接种中心。 克里斯·希普金斯说:”在辉瑞、DHL和卫生部后勤团队联合进行复杂的后勤演习后,超过37万剂疫苗于昨日运抵新西兰。抵达之前,一些专门的工作使疫苗比预期的从新加坡转机的货运航班提前。该部的后勤小组随后在周末与航班时刻表协调工作,为疫苗抵达奥克兰国际机场做好准备。 货物立即在我们的奥克兰仓库处理,这意味着货物可以有效地运往库存缓冲最小的地区卫生局站点。团队工作还确保了从今天上午开始,所有内容都已准备就已准备就已准备就已,以便交付到其他站点。 昨天有15个地点收到新运抵的库存,而今天将有104个地点收到疫苗库存,比原计划提前了一天”。 “DHB 的实地团队一直在管理其股票,但到上周末,我们一些较大人口地区的利润率再次趋紧。这一大宗货物——在7月最后两周和8月的最后两周内将运抵更多重要货物——对国家计划来说是一个巨大的推动。 对疫苗的需求仍然很高,尤其是在我们的大城市,我们一直说,我们希望将疫苗从储存中拿出来并投入武器。随着推出继续以6左右的速度提前实施,我们必须继续尽我们所能,尽快向疫苗接种中心提供疫苗。我们预计这一势头将在7月剩余时间持续到8月,辉瑞已承诺下个月向新西兰提供超过150万剂疫苗。这将是我们迄今为止最大的月度交付量,对于我们不断加大推出力度而言,这是一个好消息。随着疫苗接种计划的势头不断增强,我们将继续管理和监控进入该国的疫苗供应,以应对不断增长的需求”。 附视频 https://vimeo.com/576366810/1f5ba4d893
Early Pfizer shipment boosts vaccine schedule
News from the New Zealand Press Secretariat News from July 19,The largest shipment of the Pfizer vaccine to date has arrived in New Zealand two days ahead of schedule, and doses are already being delivered to vaccination centres around the country, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins says.
“The shipment of more than 370,000 doses reached New Zealand yesterday, following a complex logistical exercise carried out jointly by Pfizer, DHL and the Ministry of Health’s logistics team,” Chris Hipkins said.
“The arrival came after some dedicated work got the vaccines onto an earlier than expected connecting freight flight from Singapore. The Ministry’s logistics team then worked through the weekend to coordinate with the flight schedule and be ready for the vaccine’s arrival at Auckland International Airport.
“The shipment was processed immediately at our Auckland depot, which means deliveries could be efficiently directed to district health board sites where the stock buffer was the smallest.
“The teamwork also ensured everything was set up for delivery to other sites from first thing this morning.
“Fifteen sites received shipments from the newly arrived stock yesterday, while 104 will receive stocks of the vaccine today, a day earlier than planned.
“Teams on the ground in DHBs have been managing their stocks but towards the end of last week, margins were again getting tight in some of our larger population areas.
“This big delivery – with further significant shipments to arrive during the final two weeks of July and into August – is a massive boost for the national programme.
“Demand for the vaccine continues to be high, particularly in our bigger cities, and we’ve consistently said we want to have the doses out of storage and into arms.
“With the rollout continuing to sit at around 6 percent ahead of plan, it’s important we continue to do everything we can to get supply out to vaccination centres as quickly as possible.
“We expect this momentum to continue over the remainder of July and into August, with Pfizer has committed to delivering more than 1.5m doses into New Zealand next month.
“That’ll represents our biggest monthly delivery to date and is fantastic news for the ongoing ramp-up of our roll-out.
“We’ll continue to manage and monitor vaccine supplies coming into the country against increasing demand as the vaccination programme gathers momentum,” Chris Hipkins said.
Footage of the processing of the recorded delivery is available for media here:
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