




COVID-19响应部长克里斯·希普金斯(Chris Hipkins )8月22日宣布,正在对繁忙的场所和大型集会实行强制性记录保存,以确保政府能够迅速与追踪联系。

这意味着负责企业和事件的人需要确保人们在访问时保留记录,或者通过使用 COVID-19 跟踪器应用程序扫描 QR 代码或制作手动记录。   Chris Hipkins 说:”很明显,当人们使用应用程序或手动登录,而不是依赖内存时,联系人追踪可以更快地发生。我们从我们自己和海外的例子中知道,如果没有人们很好地记录他们去过哪里以及他们接触过谁,COVID-19的爆发就很难追踪和遏制。因此,我们强制要求人们在不断和大量聚集的地方进行扫描或登录。这包括咖啡馆、餐馆、酒吧、赌场和音乐会、老年护理、医疗保健设施(不包括患者)、理发师、健身设施、夜总会、图书馆、法院、地方和中央政府机构以及设有客户服务柜台的社会服务提供商。  那些已经保存记录、人们已经需要登录的地方(如健身房和一些工作场所)将不需要调整他们已经开始做的√上,包括参观母马、婚礼、葬礼、丹吉汉加和2级警报处的基于信仰的服务时,都需要强制性的记录保存。现在,对于任何警报级别允许的企业和事件,这都是一项要求。责任将由负责地点或聚会的人承担,以确保人们能够扫描或登录。这将在警报级别设置的任何更改后七天生效,这些更改可能会允许更多企业开张或继续聚会”。  部长说:”我们希望确保企业和那些可能组织聚会或活动的人有时间进行排序。我知道这增加了企业和东道主的额外责任,但有必要帮助新西兰维持其COVID-19淘汰战略,并帮助我们回到过去一年所享有的自由,而许多其他国家没有这样做。正如我们用口罩和面罩说的——鼓励人们在离开家时戴口罩,并在访问警报级别4的企业或服务时强制佩戴口罩——这仅适用于12岁以上的人。面罩,当与良好的记录保持相结合使用时,是两个强有力的措施,将有助于我们防御COVID-19″。 

Record keeping to become mandatory for most events and businesses 
Mandatory record keeping is being introduced for busy places and large gatherings to ensure the Government can contact trace quickly, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins announced today. 
This means those responsible for businesses and events will need to ensure people keep a record when they visit, either by scanning QR codes with the COVID-19 Tracer App or making a manual record.
“It is clear that when people use the app or manually sign in, rather than relying on memory, contact tracing can happen much more quickly,” Chris Hipkins said.
“We know from our own and overseas examples that an outbreak of COVID-19 can be extremely difficult to trace and contain without people keeping a good record of where they have been and who they have come into contact with.
“So we are making it mandatory at the sorts of places where people gather consistently and in large numbers to ensure that people scan or sign in. This includes cafes, restaurants, bars, casinos and concerts, aged care, healthcare facilities (excluding patients), barbers, exercise facilities, nightclubs, libraries, courts, local and central government agencies, and social services providers with customer service counters.
“Those places where records are already kept and people are already required to sign in, like gyms and some workplaces, won’t need to adjust what they are already doing.”
Mandatory record keeping is currently required at social gatherings including when visiting a marae, at weddings, funerals, tangihanga and faith-based services at Alert Level 2. It will now be a requirement for those businesses and events that are permitted at any Alert Level. 
The obligation will be on the person responsible for the place or gathering to ensure people can scan or sign in. This will become effective seven days after any change in Alert Level settings that might allow more businesses to open or gatherings to go ahead.
“We want to ensure businesses and those who may be organising a gathering or event have time to get this sorted,” Chris Hipkins said.
“I understand this adds an extra responsibility for businesses and hosts, but it is necessary to help New Zealand maintain its COVID-19 elimination strategy and help us return to the freedoms we have enjoyed for the past year which so many other countries have not.
“As we have said with masks and face coverings – encouraging people to wear one whenever they leave home and making it mandatory when visiting a business or service in Alert Level 4 – this will only apply to people over the age of 12. Face coverings, when used in combination with good record keeping, are two strong measures that will help in our defence against COVID-19.”


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