



EQC上限使自然灾害保险更实惠。负责地震委员会的部长大卫.克拉克(David Clark)博士已于 9 月 30 日宣布,政府将增加地震委员会 (EQC) 承担的保险风险金额,进一步推进西尔维娅·卡特赖特夫人 (Dame Silvia Cartwright) 2018 年对皇家实体的公开调查提出的建议。

部长大卫·克拉克说:”COVID 向我们展示了在灾难发生时获得适当的支持是多么重要。我们希望新西兰人能够获得负担得起的住宅财产保险,以确保尽可能多的人在遭受自然灾害时能够修复家园”。 从2022年10月1日起,EQC将承担地震、海啸、火山爆发、热液活动和自然山体滑坡造成的首批30万纽币损失。私人保险公司承保超过EQC上限的损失,目前设定为15万纽币。 部长大卫说:”我们正在为房主提供更多的自然灾害保险,确保他们的私人保险仍然可用且负担得起。 

近年来,保险公司已经转向基于风险的地震定价,使得惠灵顿、霍克湾和坎特伯雷等地区的房主的保险成本更加昂贵。提高EQC上限应会导致许多新西兰人的保费减少,因为政府从私人保险公司承担一些责任和风险。这一变化意味着政府通过EQC承担更大比例的风险。我希望看到保险公司在2022年10月之后新西兰人购买的住宅财产保险的定价中反映这一点。 由西尔维娅·卡特赖特夫人领导的调查的目的是检查委员会在可追溯到 2011 年坎特伯雷地震的近期自然灾害之后的作用和工作。


EQC cap to make natural disaster insurance more affordable
Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission,Dr David Clark has announced September 30 the Government will increase the amount of insurance risk taken on by the Earthquake Commission (EQC), progressing a further recommendation of Dame Silvia Cartwright’s 2018 public inquiry into the crown entity.
  “COVID has shown us how important it is to have the appropriate support available when disaster strikes. We want New Zealanders to have access to affordable residential property insurance, to ensure as many people as possible can repair their homes if they are damaged by a natural disaster,” David Clark said.
  Beginning 1 October 2022, EQC will cover the first $300,000 of damage caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hydrothermal activity and natural landslips. Private insurers cover damage above the EQC cap, which is currently set at $150,000.
  “We are providing more natural disaster cover for homeowners, ensuring their private insurance cover remains available and affordable,” David Clark said.
  “In recent years insurers have moved to a risk-based pricing for earthquakes, making the cost of insurance more expensive for homeowners in areas like Wellington, Hawke’s Bay and Canterbury. Increasing the EQC cap should lead to reduced premiums for many New Zealanders as the Crown absorbs some liability and risk from private insurers.
  “This change means the Government, through EQC, will take on a greater portion of risk – I’d expect to see insurers reflect this in their pricing for residential property insurance purchased by New Zealanders after October 2022.
  “The intention of the inquiry, which was led by Dame Silvia Cartwright, was to examine the role and work of the commission in the aftermath of recent natural disasters dating right back to the 2011 Canterbury earthquake.
  “New Zealand has one of the highest levels of residential property insurance in the world and we want to see this continue. We know from the Canterbury earthquake how important insurance is in helping communities to get back on their feet,” David Clark said.


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