9月3日防止家庭暴力和性暴力部长马拉马·戴维森提醒新西兰人,在这次封锁期间,任何感到不安全的人都可以得到支持。 “我们知道,家庭暴力和性暴力在危机时期,包括孤立,可能会升级”马拉玛·戴维森说。
马拉玛·戴维森说: “随着封锁的继续,家庭和关系可能面临额外的压力和疲劳。重要的是要记住,你不需要留在你的家或泡沫,如果它是一个不安全的环境。通过封锁,我一直定期与服务提供商、官员联系,并每天与公众接触,了解奥特亚罗亚各地的人们经历,以及是否需要任何额外的支持。支助服务,如避难所,正在努力支持妇女和儿童保持COVID的安全,没有暴力。他们继续鼓励人们伸出援手,他们随时可以提供帮助。许多社会服务机构正在提供支持性的早期干预措施,以帮助家庭和减少暴力的可能性。向警方举报家庭暴力的初步数据有所增加,我很高兴人们伸出援手。

我鼓励任何感到不安全的人联系他们的支持网络或联系政府COVID-19网站上列出的支持服务之一。为了获得焦虑、苦恼或心理健康方面的支持,您可以拨打或发短信 1737,免费与训练有素的辅导员交谈,每周 7 天、每天 24 小时。
我们都需要检查我们的邻居,朋友和邻居,以确保他们是安全的泡沫。如果您担心某人,请伸出援手支持服务。家庭暴力和性暴力危机服务可以在警报级别 4 和警报级别 3 下运行。政府认识到这一点至关重要,因此我们的社区知道有专门的服务,并随时可以提供帮助。处于危险或紧急情况下的人应拨打 111 与警方联系,如果您不能说话,请按照操作员的指示操作。如果你不能打电话,离开你的泡沫,并要求邻居或路人打电话给你。支持服务可在:https://covid19.govt.nz/health-and-wellbeing/family-and-sexual-violence-prevention/ 您还可以在TradeMe、倒计时和其他网站上(包括合资网站、www.violencefree.govt.nz) 等网站上查找底部的屏蔽网站按钮 – 这些屏蔽网站可让您安全地联系妇女避难所。
Minister reminds people that they are not alone this weekend
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence Marama Davidson is reminding New Zealanders that there is support available for anyone feeling unsafe during this lockdown.
“We know that family violence and sexual violence can escalate in times of crisis, including isolation,” says Marama Davidson.
“As the lockdown continues, families and relationships may face additional stresses and fatigue. It is important to remember that you do not need to stay in your home or bubble if it is an unsafe environment.
“Throughout lockdown, I have been in regular contact with service providers, officials and engaging with members of the public daily to understand people’s experiences across Aotearoa and whether any additional support is required.
“Support services, such as refuges are working hard to support women and children to stay COVID safe and free from violence. They continue to encourage people to reach out, they are ready and available to help.
“Many social services are providing supportive early interventions to help families and de-escalate the potential of violence. The preliminary data on reporting of family violence to Police has increased and I am pleased that people are reaching out and seeking help.
“I encourage anyone who feels unsafe to reach out to their support network or contact one of the support services listed on the Government’s COVID-19 website. For support with anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can call or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“I also want those who are feeling stressed, angry or worried about their behaviour, to know that there is help available for them too. Acknowledging these feelings takes courage, especially during these difficult times. I encourage you to reach out for support and help, and to remember that you too can leave a situation if you need, in order to keep your loved ones safe.
“We all need to be checking on our whānau, friends and neighbours to make sure they are safe in their bubble. If you are concerned about someone, reach out to support services.
“Family violence and sexual violence crisis services can operate under Alert Level 4 and Alert Level 3. The Government recognises this is critical so our communities know there are specialist services available and ready to help.
“People in danger or an emergency should contact Police on 111, follow the operator’s instructions if you can’t speak. If you cannot call, leave your bubble and ask a neighbour or passer-by to call for you.” Support services can be found at: https://covid19.govt.nz/health-and-wellbeing/family-and-sexual-violence-prevention/ You can also look for the shielded site button at the bottom on websites like The Warehouse, TradeMe, Countdown and others including the Joint Venture website, www.violencefree.govt.nz – these shielded sites let you safely contact Women’s Refuge.
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