据新闻发布中心6月12日消息,司法部长 Kris Faafoi 和法院部长 Aupito William Sio 对在汉密尔顿开设新的酒精和其他药物治疗 (AODT) 法庭表示欢迎。
AODT 法庭(Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua)处理滥用药物和犯罪相互交织的情况。
“滥用药物和酒精对我们的社会造成巨大危害。 AODT 法院旨在通过解决其背后的原因来打破犯罪循环。”
在奥克兰中部和奥克兰西区怀塔凯尔设立的 AODT 法院已证明成功地减少了酒精和药物的使用、重新犯罪和监禁。
2019 年,AODT 法庭评估发现,从法庭毕业后的两年内,参与者不太可能犯罪,不太可能入狱,也不太可能涉及到警察。如果随后发生违规行为,则可能不那么严重。
司法部长 Kris Faafoi 说:“这个法院建立在两个试点的基础上,我们希望为那些滥用药物导致犯罪的人创造一个强大而有效的康复和康复来源。像这样的举措是司法系统改革难题中的一大块。我很高兴看到这个法庭在怀卡托开放,我希望它对许多人的生活产生积极影响,不仅仅是法庭参与者,还有爱他们的人和家庭”。
Faafoi 部长说:“AODT 法庭提供了一条途径,其中包括强化监测、案件管理、药物检测和指导。”
怀卡托酒精和其他药物治疗 (AODT) 法庭 Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua ki Kirikiriroa 的开幕仪式在戈登顿的 Hukanui Marae 举行。
怀卡托 AODT 法院将设在汉密尔顿地区法院的现有法庭内,该法庭正在为此进行翻新。
法院部长 Aupito William Sio 指出,去年,地方法院首席法官 Heemi Taumaunu 宣布了他的愿景——Te Ao Mārama——促进将我们专业法院的最佳元素融入地方法院。
Aupito William Sio 说:“这一愿景促进了在整个司法部门融入毛利人价值观和更加多元文化的方法——这更好地反映了我们的国家。
Alcohol and other drug treatment (AODT) court sessions
According to the press release center on June 12,Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment (AODT) Court opens.The Minister of Justice, Kris Faafoi, and the Minister for Courts, Aupito William Sio, have welcomed the opening of a new Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment (AODT) Court in Hamilton.
The AODT Court (Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua) addresses situations where substance abuse and offending are intertwined.
“New Zealanders have told us they want a justice system that treats people with dignity and enables wellbeing,” Minister Sio said.
“The abuse of drugs and alcohol causes great harm to our society. The AODT Court aims to break the cycle of offending by addressing the reasons behind it.”
AODT Courts established in Central Auckland and Waitākere, West Auckland, have proven successful in reducing alcohol and drug use, reoffending and imprisonment.
In 2019, an AODT Court evaluation found that within two years after graduating from the Court, participants were less likely to offend, less likely to be in prison, and less likely to be involved with the Police.
Where subsequent offending happened, it was likely to be less serious.
“This court builds on the two pilots to create what we hope will be a robust and effective source of rehabilitation and recovery for those whose substance abuse is leading to crime,” Minister of Justice Kris Faafoi said.
“Initiatives like this are a large piece in the puzzle that is justice system reform. I am very pleased to see this court open in the Waikato, where I hope it will have a positive effect on many lives, not just court participants but the people and families who love them.
“The AODT Court provides a pathway which includes intensive monitoring, case management, drug testing, and mentoring,” Minister Faafoi said.
Sentencing is deferred while participants work through the programme, including regular court appearances, to check their progress.
The opening of Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua ki Kirikiriroa, the Waikato Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment (AODT) Court has been marked with a ceremony at Hukanui Marae, Gordonton.
The Waikato AODT Court will be based at the Hamilton District Court in an existing courtroom which is being refurbished for the purpose.
Courts Minister Aupito William Sio noted that last year, Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu announced his vision – Te Ao Mārama – which promotes weaving the best elements of our specialist courts into District Courts.
Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment (AODT) Court opens
The Minister of Justice, Kris Faafoi, and the Minister for Courts, Aupito William Sio, have welcomed the opening of a new Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment (AODT) Court in Hamilton.
The AODT Court (Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua) addresses situations where substance abuse and offending are intertwined.
“New Zealanders have told us they want a justice system that treats people with dignity and enables wellbeing,” Minister Sio said.
“The abuse of drugs and alcohol causes great harm to our society. The AODT Court aims to break the cycle of offending by addressing the reasons behind it.”
AODT Courts established in Central Auckland and Waitākere, West Auckland, have proven successful in reducing alcohol and drug use, reoffending and imprisonment.
In 2019, an AODT Court evaluation found that within two years after graduating from the Court, participants were less likely to offend, less likely to be in prison, and less likely to be involved with the Police.
Where subsequent offending happened, it was likely to be less serious.
“This court builds on the two pilots to create what we hope will be a robust and effective source of rehabilitation and recovery for those whose substance abuse is leading to crime,” Minister of Justice Kris Faafoi said.
“Initiatives like this are a large piece in the puzzle that is justice system reform. I am very pleased to see this court open in the Waikato, where I hope it will have a positive effect on many lives, not just court participants but the people and families who love them.
“The AODT Court provides a pathway which includes intensive monitoring, case management, drug testing, and mentoring,” Minister Faafoi said.
Sentencing is deferred while participants work through the programme, including regular court appearances, to check their progress.
The opening of Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua ki Kirikiriroa, the Waikato Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment (AODT) Court has been marked with a ceremony at Hukanui Marae, Gordonton.
The Waikato AODT Court will be based at the Hamilton District Court in an existing courtroom which is being refurbished for the purpose.
Courts Minister Aupito William Sio noted that last year, Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu announced his vision – Te Ao Mārama – which promotes weaving the best elements of our specialist courts into District Courts.
“This vision promotes incorporating Māori values and a more multi-cultural approach across the justice sector – which better reflects our nation,” said Aupito William Sio.
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