财政部24日消息,受最近提升至警报级别 4 影响的企业、组织和自营职业者现在可以在线申请 COVID-19 复苏支持付款 (RSP)。

部长格兰特·罗伯逊说:”RSP旨在帮助企业在更高的警戒级别上支付租金或固定成本等成本,是支持企业和工人以及提供确定性措施之一。 要获得 RSP 资格,申请人必须在七天内因警报级别和其他资格标准的提高而收入至少下降30。新西兰任何符合标准的企业都可以获得一次性付款。企业可以与工资补贴计划同时申请 RSP。 付款包括每业务核心费率 1,500纽币,外加每位员工 400纽币,最多 50 个全职等价物 (FTEs),最高支付额为 21,500 纽币。拥有超过 50 个 FTEs 的企业仍然可以申请,但不能获得超过最高付款额。该计划将一直有效,直到新西兰全境恢复到警戒1级一个月”。 收入部部长大卫·帕克(David Parker)表示:小企业现金流计划(SBCS)也可用于支持中小企业和组织,这些企业和组织因COVID-19而难以应对实际收入损失,因为COVID-19企业以前没有获得过此服务,或者首次付款已经偿还。 税务局鼓励那些申请,以确保他们提供的信息的准确性,仿佛这是不正确的,将延迟处理。企业也可以申请工资补贴计划和COVID-19休假支持计划(LSS),该计划可以帮助企业向那些被告知要自我隔离且无法工作的工人支付工资家。如果您的员工在等待 COVID-19 测试结果时必须呆在家里,并且不能在家工作,则 COVID-19 短期缺勤付款 (STAP) 也可用。LSS 和 STAP 的费率今天都随着工资补贴的提高而上升。 “由于我们强有力的公共卫生反应,经济活动已恢复到COVID前的水平。这些原则将继续指导我们在这个充满挑战的时刻支持经济的方法”格兰特·罗伯逊说。 企业可以通过登录其 MyIR 帐户来申请付款。更多信息可在税务局网站上找到。有关 COVID-19 业务支持措施的更多信息,包括完整的资格标准: https://www.ird.govt.nz/covid-19/business-and-organisations/employing-staff/financial-support/resurgence-support-payment
https://www.ird.govt.nz/covid-19/business-and-organisations/sbcs https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/covid-19/wage-subsidy/index.html
Applications open for Resurgence Support Payment
Businesses, organisations and self-employed people affected by the recent increase to Alert Level 4 can now apply online for the COVID-19 Resurgence Support Payment (RSP). “The RSP is intended to help businesses with costs like rent or fixed costs during higher alert levels and is one of a suite of measures to support firms and workers and provide certainty,” Grant Robertson said. “To qualify for the RSP, applicants must experience at least a 30 percent decline in revenue over seven days as a result of the increase in Alert Levels, as well as other eligibility criteria. “The one-off payment is available to any business in New Zealand that meets the criteria. Businesses can apply for the RSP at the same time as the Wage Subsidy Scheme.” The payment includes a core per business rate of $1,500, plus $400 per employee, up to a total of 50 full-time equivalents (FTEs) which is a maximum payment of $21,500. Businesses with more than 50 FTEs can still apply but cannot get more than the maximum payment. The scheme will be available until all of New Zealand returns to Alert Level 1 for one month. “The Small Business Cashflow Scheme (SBCS) is also available to support small to medium businesses and organisations struggling with a loss of actual revenue due to COVID-19 where a business hasn’t accessed this before or where the initial payment has been repaid,” Minister of Revenue David Parker said. Inland Revenue encourages those applying to ensure the accuracy of the information they provide, as if it isn’t correct that will delay processing. Businesses can also apply for the Wage Subsidy Scheme and the COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme (LSS), which is available to help businesses pay workers who have been told to self-isolate and can’t work from home. The COVID-19 Short-Term Absence Payment (STAP) is also available if your workers have to stay at home while waiting for a COVID-19 test result and can’t work from home. The rates for both the LSS and STAP rise today in line with the Wage Subsidy increase. “Economic activity is back to pre-COVID levels thanks to our strong public health response. These principles will continue to guide our approach to supporting the economy at this challenging time,” Grant Robertson said. Businesses can apply for the payment by logging into their MyIR account. Further information can be found on the Inland Revenue website. For more information on COVID-19 business support measures, including full eligibility criteria: https://www.ird.govt.nz/covid-19/business-and-organisations/employing-staff/financial-support/resurgence-support-payment
https://www.ird.govt.nz/covid-19/business-and-organisations/sbcs https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/covid-19/wage-subsidy/index.html
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