
住房部长梅根•伍兹(Megan Woods)表示:”本届政府的核心信念是,每个人都应该拥有一套温暖、干燥和安全的家,无论他们是拥有还是出租。 渐进式自有住房使那些本来可能永远没有机会拥有房子的人有自己的居所。自去年该方案启动以来,已有53个家庭住在这些家庭中,另有113个家庭签了合同,他们踏上了拥有住房的征程。这些变化意味着更多的人将有机会”。 梅根·伍兹说: “今天,推出了一种新的共同拥有产权的产品,即家庭与家庭成为合作伙伴,通过该产品获得房产的股权,以帮助能够提供抵押贷款但又需要帮助提高存款的首次购房者。 部长说:”PHO 计划的这一阶段,可以直接提供给那些不需要像供应商渠道提供的那种密集的支持来管理其财务的家庭。 人类栖息地和皇后镇湖社区住房信托基金还将在特·特帕帕·库拉·金加和住房以及城市发展部批准其贷款后,在全国再建造50套住房,用于需要的人逐步拥有住房。此外,HUD还通过PHO基金的提供者渠道启动了第二轮融资,并继续通过与毛利组织合作,建立自己的渐进式自有住房产品。 4亿纽币的PHO基金将帮助1500至4000个人、家庭和社区购买自己的住房。其优先事项是支持无法购买房屋的家庭,以及毛利人、太平洋人民和有子女的家庭。数十年来对住房和基础设施投资不足,使太多家庭无法拥有住房,本届政府正在采用创新的解决方案,使更多的家庭拥有自己的家园,并确保他们的未来”。 根据第一家庭伙伴计划将拥有前十五年免费购房的所有权份额,并将支持新家庭在成为完全房主时随着时间的推移重新购买该份额。 申请人将需要至少5%的存款,该产品对购房的最大贡献是购买价格的25或20万纽币,以较低者为准。· 该计划特别侧重于为毛利人提供更好的住房成果,使伊维和毛利组织能够支持毛利人拥有住房,提供专项资金,并采取 MAIHI 方法。 此路径全年开放。· 皇后镇湖泊社区住房信托基金是一个非营利的社区拥有组织,是PHO基金的现有接受者,已经帮助25个家庭住进在皇后镇弗兰克顿的托鲁公寓,有了自己的房子。最新的贷款资金将支持10个家庭进入自己的家园。· 人居中心在新西兰经营了超过25年的渐进式自有住房计划,利用租金购买的形式。在此期间,它帮助了500多个中等收入家庭拥有了住房。 通过PHO基金的第一阶段,人居中心正在通过租金购买计划帮助33个家庭进入自己的家园。最新的贷款资金将帮助人类栖息地在奥克兰、汉密尔顿、陶兰加、上赫特、纳尔逊/塔斯曼和丹尼丁建造40套住房。· 目的是为那些低收入个人、家庭和无主企业合作的组织,如果没有合理的财政和非财政支持,他们是不太可能买房,而且他们拥有渐进式自有住房产品。 它使组织能够成为经批准的PHO提供者,并从政府获得15年期贷款,然后与低收入和中等收入家庭合作,通过获得共有所有权、租赁购买或租赁安排,帮助他们获得存款或分担自有住房成本。此前,PHO基金是针对住房负担能力问题严重的特定地区,内阁已同意在全国范围内接受PHO资金的建议。 .
5 October 2021,
More progressive home ownership opportunities for first home buyers
· New shared ownership product to help first home buyers with deposit
· Loan funding confirmed for 50 more homes via Progressive Home Ownership (PHO) Fund
· Second round of funding through PHO Fund’s Provider pathway
· Working with Iwi and Māori organisations through Te Au Taketake
The Government is creating more opportunities for individuals, families and whānau to purchase their own homes through the Progressive Home Ownership (PHO) Fund.
“A core belief of this Government is that everyone deserves a warm, dry and secure home, whether they own or rent,” says Housing Minister Megan Woods.
“Progressive Home Ownership enables people who might otherwise never have a chance, to own their own home. 53 families are now living in these homes since the launch of the programme last year, with a further 113 contracted and on the journey to home ownership. These changes mean even more people will have that opportunity,” Megan Woods said.
Today, Kāinga Ora launched a new shared-ownership product, First Home Partner, through which Kāinga Ora will take an equity share in a property to assist first home buyers who can service a mortgage but need help raising their deposit.
“This phase of the PHO scheme lends directly to households who don’t require the kind of intensive support to manage their finances as offered through the Provider pathway,” Megan Woods said.
Habitat for Humanity and Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust will also build 50 more homes around the country for progressive home ownership after Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved their loans.
In addition, HUD has opened a second round of funding through the PHO Fund’s Provider pathway and is continuing to work with Iwi and Māori organisations through Te Au Taketake to establish their own progressive home ownership products.
The $400m PHO Fund will help between 1,500 and 4,000 individuals, families and whānau buy their own homes. Its priority is to support households unable to otherwise buy, and Māori, Pacific people, and families with children.
“Decades of under-investment in housing and infrastructure has pushed home ownership out of reach for too many families. This Government is embracing innovative solutions to enable more families to own their own homes and secure their futures,” Megan Woods said.
More information on the Progressive Home Ownership Fund scheme is here.
· Under the First Home Partner scheme, Kāinga Ora will take an ownership share of the home that is fee-free for the first fifteen years and will support the new household to purchase the share back over time as they become full homeowners. Applicants will need to have a minimum five-percent deposit, and the maximum contribution Kāinga Ora will make to the home purchase is 25% of the purchase price or $200,000 – whichever is lower.
· Te Au Taketake was established with a specific focus on better housing outcomes for Māori and enables Iwi and Māori organisations to support whānau Māori into home ownership, providing dedicated funding and taking a MAIHI approach. This pathway is open throughout the year.
· Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust, a not-for-profit, community-owned organisation, is an existing recipient of the PHO Fund and has already helped 25 households into their own homes in the Toru Apartments in Frankton, Queenstown. The latest loan funding will support 10 more families into their own homes.
· Habitat for Humanity has operated a progressive home ownership scheme in New Zealand for more than 25 years using its rent to buy model. In that time, it has assisted more than 500 moderate-income families into home ownership. Through the first phase of the PHO Fund, Habitat for Humanity is helping 33 families into their own homes through its rent to buy scheme. The latest loan funding will help Habitat for Humanity to construct 40 homes in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Upper Hutt, Nelson/Tasman and Dunedin.
· The Provider pathway is for organisations who work with low-income individuals, families and whānau that are unlikely to buy a home without a reasonable amount of financial and non-financial support, and who have a progressive home ownership product. It enables organisations to become approved PHO providers and take a 15-year loan from the Government, then partner with low to median income households to help them with their deposit or share the cost of home ownership by accessing shared ownership, rent to buy, or leasehold arrangements. Where previously, the PHO Fund was targeted in specific regions with severe housing affordability issues, Cabinet has agreed to accept proposals for PHO funding nationwide.
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