Christmas tea gathering for the elderly living with the love of people.

尽管2020年受到该流行病的影响,但每个人都可能笼罩在一片灰暗的气氛中。 但是我们仍然感到自豪,因为我们对爱情的奉献得到了祝福,因此我们可以更加快乐地迎接圣诞节的到来。
Although 2020 is affected by the epidemic, everyone was probably shrouded in a grey mood. But we are still proud, because our dedication of love has been blessed, so that we can greet the arrival of Christmas with more joy.

2020年12月20日一年一度的独居长者圣诞茶聚时间又到了,今年的地点设在了Devonport Stone Oven咖啡馆里。这次参加茶聚的长者共有20多名,他们的年龄是75岁至90多岁的长者,对于每年的圣诞茶聚,他们都非常重视。每次他们都带着期待与欣喜的心情参加,带着开心与满滿的爱回去。
On December 20, 2020, the annual Christmas tea gathering for elders living is here again. This year’s location is in the Devonport Stone Oven Cafe. There are more than 20 elders participating in the tea gathering this time. They are elders between 75 and 90 years old who choose to come to take part of this peaceful social and certainly delicious event. They attach great importance to the annual Christmas tea gathering. Every time they participate with anticipation and joy, and go back with joy and full of love.

Everyone gets old, no matter what their family background or ability is, When you are old, it’s always nice to recieve love to your heart, recognition and support of others, especially the elderly living alone. Therefore, caring for elders, making them feel warm, love is the main purpose of this Christmas tea gathering.

圣诞节 《优雅长者茶聚》,是个人慈善公益行为,由Misty Leong发起。开展4年以来,得到志愿者的支持和爱心人士 (匿名者) 的赞助,以让这个爱心茶聚能坚持到现在。Misty表示,她希望用爱和感恩来回馈社会。
The Christmas “Elegant Elderly Tea Gatherings” for the Elderly Living Alone is a personal charity act initiated by Misty Leong. In the 4 years since it was launched, it has been supported by volunteers and sponsored by many (anonymous) caring people (anonymous), so that this lovely tea gathering can persist until now. Misty said that she hopes to give back to society with love and gratitude.

Since last year, it has gained support from the New Zealand News. Especially this year, due to the impact of the epidemic, in order to solve the funding problem, the newspaper received sponsorship and support from Chen Ansheng, the founding president of the Wenzhou Association of New Zealand, and Wu Tiantian, the president.

At the same time, Chen Ansheng donated private plantings. Newspaper members collected environmentally-friendly plastic bottles and cut them into small flower trays to cultivate meat trays. They were sold for charity at the price of $1.20/plat and $2.50/plat to raise help expenses.
在为花盆收集材料的过程中,环保协会刁四雍会长及成员和爱心人士Wendy Qiao全力协助,很快就收集了200多个用来制作花盆的资源。
In the process of collecting materials for the pot, President Diao Yuyong of the Environmental Protection Association, members and beloved Wendy Qiao fully assisted, and soon collected more than 200 resources used to make flower pots.

可以说,这些小小的肉肉盘栽,灌注了新西兰报同仁们的心血和大爱。其中包括4岁半的Erik和6岁的Jayden小朋友。It can be said that these Echeveria Moon fairy plants are filled with the hard work and love of New Zealand newspaper colleagues. Among them are four and a half-year-old Erik and 6-year-old Jayden.

他们用小小的手,把一颗一颗的肉肉植物放在花盘里,减轻大人的工作量,以尽自已的一点微博之力。With their small hands, they put the fleshy plants one by one in the flower tray, reducing the workload effectively for the adults.
Thanks to the careful nurturing colleagues in the newspaper office, the planting has become particularly endearing and charming.
Due to the call of love, we have also received support from caring people such as Cindy, the owner of Zitong Technology Beauty Center, Cecilia, the vice president of New Zealand News, and Mo Xuefen, president of Xincheng International Study and Immigration Company, and members of the Liaoning Association Song and Dance Art Troupe.
The whole love tea gathering was full of contentment and jubilation. In order to enrich the content of the tea gathering, the organizer specially asked the elderly to draw a picture each, and then selected 4 excellent works for reward. The old people who won the prizes held the prizes and smiled happily.

他们在发言中感谢Misty L和志愿者们多年来对他们不离不弃,每年为他们举办爱心圣诞茶聚,让他们的生活充满了希望和爱。他们表示,永远不会忘记这份来自华人对他们所奉献的大爱。
In their speeches, they thanked Misty L and the volunteers for staying true to them for so many years, and holding a loving Christmas tea party for them every year making their lives full of hope and love. They said that they will never forget this great love from the Chinese to them.

In the end, every elder was extremely excited with the donated plant and thanked the organizers and volunteers again and again! After taking a group photo, everyone reluctantly left the luncheon.
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