4 级警报企业和服务部门的员工可以再次享受托儿服务



 Chris Hipkins 说:”为我们的基本员工提供免费和灵活的服务非常重要,也是他们代表我们所有人开展重要工作时减轻压力的一种方式。我们仍然不知道我们会在4级多久。我们明天会知道更多,但重要的工人需要能够计划,从明天开始实施这项服务将给他们一些宝贵的安心。   该计划是为4级企业和服务的工人,以及其他豁免服务,如消防和紧急情况和边境工人。也只针对那些没有儿童保育的4级工人——父母应尽可能使用自己的私人安排”。
  “从今天起,将有32家提供全国覆盖的供应商可供家长联系。根据该计划,这些提供者可以在儿童家中或照顾者家中提供儿童保育选项。 我们的目标是为有需要的员工提供尽可能多的灵活性。就像上次锁定一样,这些都是通常提供家庭幼儿教育的许可服务,因此所有安全检查都已完成。而且,就像上次一样,每个照顾者将仅限于照顾来自一个家庭的孩子”。

Childcare available again for workers in Alert Level 4 businesses and services
The Government is restarting childcare for workers in Alert Level 4 businesses and services, which was available during last year’s national lockdown, Education Minister Chris Hipkins said today.
Workers who have children aged up to 13-years-old can access free care, so they are able to continue to provide the essential services we need during the current lockdown.
“Providing a free and flexible service to our essential workers is really important and one way to reduce their stress as they go about their vital work on behalf of us all,” Chris Hipkins said.
“We still don’t know for how long we’ll be in Level 4. We’ll know more tomorrow, but essential workers need to be able to plan and putting this service in place from tomorrow will give them some valuable peace of mind.”    
The scheme is for the workers in Alert Level 4 businesses and services, and other exempted services such as fire and emergency and border workers.
It is also only for those Level 4 workers who do not have childcare in place – parents are expected to use their own private arrangements where possible.
A list of 32 providers, with national coverage, will from today, be available for parents to contact.
“These providers may offer options for childcare under the scheme either in the child’s home, or in the carer’s home.  We’re aiming to provide as much flexibility as possible for those workers who need it. 
“Just like last lockdown, these are all licensed services that usually provide home-based early childhood education – so all the safety checks have been done. And, just like last time, each carer will be limited to caring for children from a total of one family only.”
 Note: The funding is available for childcare provision where there is no other adult in the worker’s household who can care for the child, and the carer does not normally live at the same address as the worker.
To access a provider:  Childcare for Workers of Alert Level 4 Business or Services Scheme – Education in New Zealand


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