新西兰国防部11月3日消息,退伍军人的服务理应得到正式认可。国防部长佩尼.黑纳(Peeni Henare)今天宣布,获得新西兰作战服务奖章(NZOSM)的资格已被正确地扩大到包括更大比例的在马来西亚和新加坡服役的新西兰武装部队成员。
佩尼.黑纳雷说: “颁发这枚勋章是为了表彰在马来西亚和新加坡服役的退伍军人对东南亚防务的宝贵贡献,但以前由于他们不需要部署到婆罗洲或越南等作战地区,所以被排除在外。 我很自豪,大约有4500名从1959年2月至1974年1月在东南亚服役的老兵现在能够理所当然地被授予勋章,以表彰他们的英勇服务。我希望退伍军人和他们的家族能抓住这个机会,以这种方式承认他们的服务”。

佩尼.黑纳雷说:”由政府委托新西兰国防军进行的审查显示,与过去的做法相比,东南亚需要采取更广泛的方式来表彰奖章。2021年的审查着眼于1955年至1989年期间,并评估了1959年2月1日至1974年1月31日之间的服务应成为授予新西兰作战服务勋章的合格服务。这是新西兰军事史上一个独特的时期,包括:前沿部署和威慑、作为东南亚条约组织计划的一部分、为应对共产主义向东南亚扩张的威胁而做好行动准备、马来西亚正在进行的共产主义恐怖主义叛乱、冷战、与印度尼西亚的关系紧张导致冲突、以及越南战争。它的结论是,在这一时期,这些事件共同构成了授予奖章的理由,但不是战役奖章。战役勋章(和新西兰作战服务勋章)已经被授予相关的作战服务,包括马来亚紧急状态、泰马边境、与印度尼西亚的对抗、泰国和越南。 符合条件的老兵必须在这些日期内被派驻或隶属于远东战略预备队、澳大利亚新西兰联合王国部队或相关单位7天或以上”。
佩尼.黑纳雷说:”我恳请所有符合新标准的人申请他们和他们的家族应有的正式认可。个人和家族为维护我们国家和地区的安全所做出的奉献和承诺是再怎么强调也不为过的,我希望感谢每一位国防军家族的服务” 。

对于那些符合修订后设置的退伍军人和已故退伍军人的近亲需要申请领取NZOSM。申请表在新西兰国防军人事档案和奖章网站上: www.nzdf.mil.nz/pam。
大约有7000名东南亚战区的退伍军人已经有资格获得NZOSM。任何无人认领的奖章仍可发放。 背景情况:
新西兰作战服务奖章(NZOSM)是在2002年设立的, 它被授予自第二次世界大战结束以来的作战服务,包括目前的任务。大约有30,000枚奖章已经颁发给参加过朝鲜战争、越南战争、东帝汶和阿富汗等冲突的老兵。另有15,000名退伍军人也有资格但尚未申请该勋章。 鉴于NZOSM只能发放一次,7000名通过在马来亚紧急状态、泰马边境、对抗、泰国和越南的作战服务已经有资格获得该奖章的人员将不会得到任何额外的认可,因为他们的服务已经得到认可。这方面的服务以前也被考虑过。
2014年,经过一个工作组的审查,决定不对这项服务进行认可。 然而,在2017年,根据新的信息,国防军首长要求新西兰国防军重新评估这一决定。 这项工作表明,与过去的做法相比,有必要对东南亚地区的勋章承认采取更广泛的做法。 2021年的重新评估是基于内阁批准的新西兰勋章原则,并使用新西兰国防军作战威胁矩阵作为确定作战威胁等级的指南。重新评估发现,MRJ工作组没有获得一些潜在的关键信息,而这些信息可能已经改变了它的一些结论。这些信息包括来自马来西亚和澳大利亚的文件。 重新评估还发现,与过去的做法相比,有必要对东南亚的勋章确认采取更广泛的方法。
3rd November,Veterans rightly given formal recognition for their service
Minister of Defence Peeni Henare announced today that eligibility for the New Zealand Operational Service Medal (NZOSM) has been rightly extended to include a larger proportion of members of the New Zealand Armed Forces who served in Malaysia and Singapore.
“The award of this medal recognises the valuable contribution to the defence of South East Asia by veterans who served in Malaysia and Singapore, but were previously excluded as they were not required to deploy into combat areas, such as Borneo or Vietnam,” Peeni Henare said.
“I’m proud that around 4,500 veterans who served in South East Asia from February 1959 to January 1974 are now rightly able to be awarded a medal for their valiant service. I hope veterans and their whānau take this opportunity to have their service recognised in this way,” Peeni Henare said.
The review commissioned by the government and carried out by the New Zealand Defence Force, showed there was a need for a wider approach to medallic recognition for South East Asia than had been the practice in the past.
The 2021 review looked at the period between 1955 and 1989 and assessed that service between 1 February 1959 and 31 January 1974 should be qualifying service for the award of the New Zealand Operational Service Medal.
It was a unique period in New Zealand’s military history including; forward deployment and deterrence; operational readiness as part of the South East Asia Treaty Organisation plans for responding to the threat of communist expansion into South East Asia; an ongoing communist terrorist insurgency in Malaysia; the Cold War; a fraught relationship with Indonesia which resulted in conflict; and war in Vietnam.
It concluded that together during that period that these events justified the award of medallic recognition but not a campaign medal. Campaign medals (and the New Zealand Operational Service Medal) have already been awarded for related operational service including the Malayan Emergency, Thai-Malay border, Confrontation with Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
“An eligible veteran must have been posted or attached for seven or more days with the Far East Strategic Reserve, the Australia New Zealand United Kingdom Force or associated units during these dates,” Peeni Henare said.
“I implore all those who meet the new criteria to apply for the formal recognition that they and their whanau rightly deserve. The dedication and commitment both individuals and whanau make in order to keep our country and region safe cannot be overstated, and I wish to thank every one of the Defence force whanau for their service,” Peeni Henare said
For those eligible under the revised settings Veterans and next-of-kin of deceased veterans need to apply to receive the NZOSM.
The application form is on the New Zealand Defence Force Personnel Archives and Medals website: www.nzdf.mil.nz/pam
About 7,000 veterans of South East Asia combat theatres are already eligible for the NZOSM. Any unclaimed medals can still be issued.
The New Zealand Operational Service Medal (NZOSM) was instituted in 2002. It is awarded for operational service since the end of the Second World War, including for current missions. About 30,000 medals have already been issued to veterans of conflicts such as the Korean War, Vietnam War, Timor-Leste and Afghanistan. Another 15,000 veterans are also eligible but have not yet applied for the medal.
Given that the NZOSM can only be issued once, the 7,000 personnel who already qualify for the medal through operational service in the Malayan Emergency, Thai-Malay border, Confrontation, Thailand and Vietnam will not receive any additional recognition as their service is already recognised.
This area of service has been considered before. In 2014, after review by a working group, a decision was made not to proceed with recognition for this service. However, in 2017, based on new information, the Chief of Defence Force asked the New Zealand Defence Force to reassess the decision. This work showed that there was a need for a wider approach to medallic recognition for South East Asia than had been the practice in the past.
The 2021 reassessment was based on the Cabinet approved New Zealand medallic principles and used the NZDF operational threat matrix as a guide to determining operational threat levels. The reassessment found that the MRJWG did not have access to some potentially critical information which may have reshaped some of its conclusions. This information included documents from Malaysia and Australia. The reassessment also identified that there is a need for a wider approach to medallic recognition for South East Asia than has been the practice in the past.
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